Does maddy like jake?

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I woke up the next day and maddy was gone, I went in to jakes tent and he was gone to. I go to read the book mum gave me about the chosen ones. It had all what she said except one part it said. "The girl willl fall for another guy and the daydreams they had will come true, but they will still love each other. They will get into fights when the girl falls for the new guy. Nobody knows the names of the chosen ones or the other to. We only know the first and last initial. The girl chosen one is m, s the guy is r,m. The new boy is j, k. The new girl is s,w. They can't control the fights or the others love. And the girl chosen one has a secret she doesn't know about she has a little brother. The only way to find him, us to kill a scientist or have her be dead. Then go to where she died and did a 10 ft hole and he'll be there. They are twins. "
I can't believe this I knew I saw jakes face somewhere before. It was the day dream I had. I run off and hear the giggling. No! No! This can't be happening I knew she like him.
I'm gonna tell jake I like him. " Jake cone for a run with me." He nods and we leave. We stop. " Jake I have to tell you something." I said. " Wait I have to tell you something first" he said. " I like you alot" he said. I started laughing I couldn't help it. He walked away a little and said. " What's so funny" " I was gonna tell you that I liked you" we started giggling I heard a snap, but didn't get up. Jake came back over to me and kissed me. I saw rhydian run away. "Rhydian! Rhydian!" I chased after him. I lost him. I was at the pack now. " What's wrong why are you running?" Asked Janna. Just then I feel arms on my shoulders then I'm on the ground. Rhdian has me pinned down. "What the heck rhydian" said Janna. "Stay out of this Janna!" He said "Rhydian ! Get off of me" I said. " NO! YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVE ME!" He said. " I DO LOVE YOU!" I said. " Guys this isn't funny get up, stop." Janna said. she pulled us off echother then we starts growling each other and circling each other. Mum and dad come running over so does Carrie and bryn. "Rhydian, calm down. don't fight the girl you love, you love each other" said Carrie. " Maddy, don't find your mate". "I LOVE HER!SHE DOENST LOVE ME!" Rhydian yelled. "I DO LOVE YOU RHYDIAN! What you saw was nothing!" " So you do like him though?" He said. " Rhydian he kissed me, I pulled away. Then smelt you cried then chased you. I swear he kissed me" I said crying. " Ok. But did you like him" he asked. I didn't answer "MADDY! DID YOU LIKE HIM!?" He yelled. I cried. " I'm sorry , I did he fooled me. In so sorry!" I can't stop crying now

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