Putting the plan into action

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Rhydians pov:
Then next day I couldn't wait to get out of school. I wanted to talk to maddy so bad, but what if it doesn't work. Mum said that for it to work you have to love each other, what if maddy doesn't love me. what if she found somebody else. All I know is that I love her and I need to hear her beautiful voice again.

Maddys pov:

I miss rhydian so much. I love him more then I love myself. I just hope this works. I'm scared that it won't work. What if he found somebody else. I mean tons of girls like him. What if he's dating one of the k's. stop it maddy you know he loves you. I just got to hear his voice again, even if he did find somebody else. I need to hear his voice just one last time. " When are you gonna try to talk to him?" I turn around and Janna's there. " I'll do it now go get bryn, so if it works I can tell him you guys say hi." two minutes later Janna and bryn come running to me. "ready?" I ask. "Ready" they say in unison. I'm thinking about rhydian as much as I can I'm I think hi, rhydiann it's maddy. I mi. Before I can finish I start to get dizzy and everything goes black.

Rhydians pov:
I'm in class and suddenly I hear maddys voice in my head. I turn around to tom and Shan. " Guys I can hear maddys voice in my head." I whispered. " Mum might have told her how to do it." I said I hear her say
hi, rhydiann it's maddy. I mi.
I start panicking what was she gonna say is she ok. " You ok mate" asks tom. " Rhydian what's wrong?" Asks Shan
" It's maddy. Something's wrong." I sad looking freaked out. " She was in the middle of saying something then stopped."i said. "At least it worked." They said. Yeah but something's wrong with her I have to help her. I stand up about to run out of class when I start to feel dizzy, everything went black.

Maddys pov:
I woke up and called for Janna. Her and bryn came in hugging me yelling " your ok, your ok!" " Yea" I said. I decided to play a joke on them. " But where am I, who are you?" I said wondering what they would say. " Maddy, it's us. Janna and bryn." "Who's maddy?" They looked they were about to die. " Guys I'm just kidding" I said laughing. They just pushed me. "How are you mads?" Asked Janna. "im fine just, wondering if it worked." I sad before Janna could say anything. Carrie came in and said " don't worry it's just a side effect to the stress dreams." I nodded. Then heard something. It was rhydians voice. He said. " MADDY! Are you ok. Can you hear me. " I said yes. I LOVE YOU RHYDIAN! I said out loud by accident. Janna and bryn and Carrie just looked at me " it's rhydian, I can hear him" I said. they all just smiled Rhydian, I love you, and miss you.i said through thought. He just said I miss you to maddy." I said "are you ok? I know something's up. He said " I'm fine, just miss you." " I miss you to" I said " Hey I got to go I'll talk to you later mad I love you bye." he said I just said "k, bye. Talk to you later. I stopped smiling when he said he had to go. They all looked at me " what's wrong maddy?" Asked bryn. " It's rhydian. Something's up with him." I said looking down. Janna came over and hugged me. " I'm sure it's nothing mads , he probably is just sad to be apart from you." she said that and my heart started to heart, not because of sadness. It really started to hurt I screamed, so loud the whole pack came over. " What's wrong pet, are you ok? " Asked mum. Dad looked worried. " My heart hurts really bad." I said. One of the lack healers came over and said "there is nothing we can do, the only way to fix this is if you see the one you love the most again". " Who might that be?" Asked mum and dad. " Rhydian!" I said. The pack healers just nodded and left. Later that night everyone was sleeping so I went to be thinking about rhydian, is he ok?

Rhydians pov:
That's it I can't take it anymore. I miss her so much. My heart is killing me. I need to see her. I got up, called tom and Shan and told them the plan. " We are going to go see maddy". I said. " "How" they asked. " We are going to the wild to visit her". I said

Maddys pov:
I woke up when I heard a stick snap. I went out side to look around. There was nobody there. I heard another snap. I turned around and there was a dark shadowy figure. I turned on my flashlight, and saw... RHYDIAN! Rhydians here.

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