New boy

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I woke up and maddy was gone. What if something bad happened to her. "Maddy? are you alright?" I said through thought " Yeah. I'm fine just went for a run." she thought to me "Ok
When will you be back?" I thought. " Maybe in abo-" she was cut off. "Maddy! Maddy!"

I was cut off,when someone jumped on top of me. I looked up to see a wild wolf blood from a different pack. it was a boy he looked around my age. He's kinda attractive. No what am I thinking. I love rhydian, well maybe I can still like people. " Sorry" he said. He was tall and had cute brown Hair "Uhh... it's ok" I said. " My name is jake" he said helping me up "I'm maddy" I said smiling. "Sorry I knocked you over, my pack just threw me out so I was running then fell into you.are you ok?" he said. " Yeah, are you ok? You were the one who had to leave your pack. I know what that's like. " I said. " I'm fine. What do you mean you know what it's like?" He said. " Well I used to be tame my whole life, I had to human best friends who never knew what I was, then a new boy came he was also a wolf blood, he helped me through my first transformation, during, before, and after it, he helped me on no moon days, eclipse , I helped him. Our human best friends found out. They help us to now. But a scientist found my DNA and we had to leave, rhydian the other wolfbloodd tried to get rid of the DNA, but it was to late. We said our good byes me and rhydian told each other that we loved each other, kissed then I left , were dating now,been in the wild for about 3 months, rhydian came by a couple days ago with our best friends, they left he stayed. some rough stuff has happened though" I said

Dammit she's dating him. But she's so cute. " Oh ok. Are you ok" I asked. " Uh yeah hold on I have to tell him I'm fine. We were talking then you bumped in to me." She said. "What do you mean you were talking to him?" I asked. " We'll have you herd the stories about the chosen ones. Well thats me and rhydian" she said. Shit that's even worse. I like a chosen one. " Oh ok"

"Rhydian?" I thought to him. " Maddy! Your ok?" He thought. " Yeah I'm fine, I'll be back soon. I got to go. See you later" I thought. "Ok bye love you" he thought. " Love you to". I went back over to jake. " So you wanna come back to my pack with me?" I asked. " Maddy, thank you, but I can't it's to much to ask for." he said. " No. It's fine honestly. I'm good friends with the pack leader. She came tame once I helped her, she taught me some things" I said. " I used to be tame" he said. "Really? Cool. " I said. "Ok. I'll come. Thank you" he said. "Can you tell me more about stuff later?" He asked. "Sure" I said.

I'm talking to Janna. " So you think she's fine ?" I asked. " Yeah, she told you she was rite?" Just then I smell to wolfbloods coming. I hear laughing. I turn, so does the rest of the pack. Janna steps forward. " Who's there?" She asks. " Janna, it's just me, maddy"
" I brought a friend, hope you don't mind. He has nowhere to go" she said. did she just say HE?! " I don't mind." Janna said. " Everyone this is jake" she said. " Hi" jake said. Maddy came over to me with jake. " So this is rhydian, the other chosen one. Cool " he said. " Hi" I said. Something's weird about him. I don't trust him.

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