Preparing for school- wolfblood style

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The next day I woke up and went to Rhydians old room. he stays there again. " Hey" I said. " Hey maddy" he said smiling. "Come sit" he says. i go and sit on his bed. " How'd you sleep" he asked. "Not to good, I was still in a lot of pain last night,but I'm better now. Just hurts a little now." I said. " I know what will make it better" he said. "What?" I said. He leaned in and kissed me. i pulled away. " Rhydian, I have to brush my teeth." I said. "ok. maddy I'm sorry" he said. " For what?" I asked. "Umm, well. Your gonna. Find out soon. I don't want to tell you because I know your gonna hate me. When you find out. I'm just gonna run off into the woods, I'll be at our tree I you need me. But we'll just wait till you find out" he said. "Ok " I said. " Come on mads. We got to go prepare" he said. " Prepare for what? " I asked. " Prepare for school" he said. " Ugh. I already know how to go to school so does janna, and jake, and sapphire. Janna was tame for some time with us , jake and sapphire used to be tame" I said. "mads. You were in the wild for 3 months. When I was in the wild you saw how different I was when I came back" said rhydian. " Rhydian! I don't want to. Can't we just spend the day together." I said. "Sure we can spend the day together preparing for school." He said. " Rhydian. But I love you. We need time together." I said. "Maddy. I'm doing this for you. Because I love you. We'll go out later" he said. " Fine." I said. " Go get everybody else in the den." he said.

I went downstairs and went to the den. " Ok guys. You have all been wild for a long time now. Maddy you have been less" I said. Matt walks in the room. "What's going in guys?" He asked. Maddy saw all his bruises and the black eye I gave him. " What happened to you? Are you ok?" She asked. "I'm fine. He was just sad so he took it out on me" he said looking at me. I tried to leave but Matt stopped me. " Move! Now!" I yelled. He moved and I ran to mine and Maddys tree. 2 minutes later maddy was standing in front of me. "I'm sorry maddy." I said. " Rhydian." She said. " No madds. This was my fault. Don't say it wasn't. Or that I have nothing to be sorry for. because it was my fault." I said. She looked at me. "Maddy! Go back to your house. I'm fine. Go back to your stupid twin brother. Just leave me here" I said. "Rhydian I'm not leaving with out you" she said. " Yes you are." I said then ran away.

I went back to the house and into the den. " You ok?" Janna said. " Uhh yeah, let's just get back to preparing for school" I said. After 3 hours we finished going over everything. How to control your wolf, how to fit in but not stand out, how to keep calm, how to act natural. Everything. "Maddy, thanks for everything, but we are going to leave. We are gonna go back to the wild" said jake and sapphire. " Oh ok. Sure. Visit us anytime you like. By guys" I said and with that they left. "Wait up guys!" Yelled Matt. " Maddy I'm gonna go with them, I've messed things up with you and rhydian, see you later. I'll come and visit. " He said. " Oh ok. Bye matt" I said. It's been a while since rhydian has left. " Maddy, in sorry" I turn around and Rhdians there. I jump up from the couch and hug him. " We did the preparing, but jake, sapphire, and Matt left. To the wild" I said. " Oh why.?" He asked. "Don't know." I said. I didn't want him to think it was his fault. " Wanna come with me into my room? I whispered so quietly that only he would hear. " Ok" he said. We ran up the stairs laughing. " What's going on you to?" Asked mum. "Nothing!" I yelled then closed the door. We sat down on the bed holding hands. " Mads I'm so sorry" he said. "Just shut up and kiss me" I said. We started making out. Our hands were under each others shirts. Mum and dad walked in. We didn't stop, but we didn't take it to far. " Madeline smith!" Mum yelled. we stayed kissing, Janna walked in now. " Guys come on get a room" said Janna. We pulled apart. " Just for the record this is my room" I said. Rhydian smiled at me I smiled back. "What were you guys doing?" Asked mum. " What did it look like we were doing?" I asked. " maddy your to young for that" she said. They walked out. Bit Janna stayed. " So guys what's up?" She asked. " Well we have school tomorrow" said rhydian. " Ugh!" I said. " Come on mads. It'll be fun. Everything's an adventure with you" said rhydian. " Well life is like an non ending roller coaster with you. It's so amazing." I said We all laughed I kissed rhydian then we went downstairs. For some reason I actually want to go to school. I don't know why. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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