Im so sorry

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I didn't mean to make maddy cry.I love her so much, I didn't mean to say what I said, it's just I-i-I don't know. I'm freaking out now, it's morning and maddy still hasn't come back. This is all my fault. I have to find her. I run to go find her, But I run into Janna. "Sorry janna" I said helping her up. " Where are you going?" She asks. " To find maddy" I say running off.

I slept away from the pack. I just can't believe rhydian would say that to me. I still love him,ill always love him I'm just a little mad he would accuse me of that. I miss him. Maybe I should go back. Just then I hear something. Snap, snap. I get up and run. I stop to breath. I feel strong arms around me. "madds,I'm sorry" I take his arms off me, turn around and hug him. I'm crying " I'm so sorry" he says crying. " I'm sorry" I Said. "mads you have nothing to be sorry about, this is all my fault." He says

It was all my fault. "Rhydian, if I haven't asked you if you loved me this wouldn't have happened." she said crying. I can't stand to see her cry. "Maddy. It doesn't matter whose fault it was. what matters is that it's over, it happened now it's over." I said ,hoping she would stop crying. I didn't work. "Maddy. I'm sorry. Please stop crying. I can't stand to see you like this." I said starting to cry. "You have nothing to be sorry for, if I haven't ran away after that, we wouldn't " I cut her off with a kiss. "Rhydian I love you." "I love you to madds" "I'm so sorry" we both say in unison.

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