Im so sorry: part2

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I woke up and kissed Maddys head, she woke up. " hey" I said. "I-I I'm sorry rhydian." she said " Mads you have nothing to be sorry for it wasn't you, it was the stupid rebel devil." I said " no it wasn't. It was me. I said all those things before you.. before you pushed me, then I hit the tree and got hit with a red stick in my back the next thing I know some weirdo pushed me down a cliff" she said crying, she was about to get up and run, but I grabbed her arm and sat her down. " Rhydian! Let me go, I said what I said and you hate me now" she said crying. " Maddy! Maddy! Calm down. I'm right here, I don't hate you, I love you."I said lifting her chin up. " But, I called you things, and rhydian I had these thoughts that you were sent by doctor white wood to become friends with me then say you love me, then kill me or something and that janna, bryn, Tom, Shan and me mum and dad were to but they were all sent at different times. That's why when you found me I fell to the ground then ran, I'm so sorry" she was crying so loudly that Janna, bryn, Carrie , and mr. And mrs.smith came over " What happened? "They asked. " Nothing". I said. They still stood there. "We herd your conversation" said bryn. i just looked at maddy and said. "Maddy that is not true and it will never be true.i love you Madeline smith and nobody's gonna stop that." I kissed her head. "Rhydian, I have to go. " She said then stood up, she ran to the woods. " Your just gonna let her go?" Asked Janna. "She needs some time, I'll go in a bit". An hour later I felt small arms around me. " I am so so sorry I keep running off rhydian, I just don't want you to hate me" she said. I picked up her arms and looked in to her eyes. " I'd never hate you, but I am so sorry I pushed you." she just said "it's ok" then kissed me. "i love you" I said " I love you more" she said we kissed for hours.

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