Talking to matt

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I woke up and heard a voice in my head, it wasn't rhydian because he was still sleeping. I don't know what to do, I start panicking. i guess rhydian felt me shaking on him. Cuz he opened his eyes and said "mads you ok? What's wrong". "There's a voice in my head, and I know it's not you." I said. " Maddy the book, it might be your brother." He said. "What If it is? What do I do? " I said freaking out. " Just try to talk to the voice " he said.
( in side head)
" Hello?" I said. " Hi! Maddy?! Is it really you?" A voice said. " Yeah, who are you?" I asked. " I'm your twin brother, matt" he said. " Where does the name sound familiar from?" I asked. " Well I am your brother. Maybe you remember stuff" he said. " I can try to remember things" I said. " Ok. Try to remember this, when you were 2" I cut him off

Did my own sister just cut me off. " You were that boy who sat on the couch with me, we watching something. I fell you pulled your hand out to help me, but your hand disappeared, I got up and some laddie grabbed you and ran!" She said. " Yeah. That was dr. White wood ." I said. " So she knew about us all along?" She said. " Yeah". I said. "Does she knew about rhydian or Janna?" She asked. " Who's that." I asked. " It's a long story but when me and rhydian come and save you, I'll tell you then" she said. " You mean IF you come and save me. She's gonna stop you maddy. Your gonna need like a lot of other wolfbloods." I said. " I know. I have me, rhydian, janna, bryn, jake, sapphire, alric, Carrie,mum and dad and the rest of the wild pack." she said. " You went wild?" I asked. " We had to because of dr. White wood. Like I said, I'll tell you when we get you out, I can't wait to see you" she said. " Oh ok. That's a lot of people. And me to." I said. " I got to go Matt. Rhydian wants me, I'll talk to you later bye" she said. " Ok bye " I said.

Maddy looked at me and said " we are gonna need a plan" I said " mads are you ok " " Yeah, but first we need to find my mum and dad." She said. We found her mum an dad. Maddy started yelling " why didn't you tell me about Matt?! I have a right to know about my own twin brother. I mean after all I was there when he got taken away." She said. " Maddy, you read the book we know. But the book didn't say his name, or that he got taken away. He wasn't taken away. As far as we know he ran way" said mrs. Smith. " Mum, he was two. He told me his name just a minute a go through my mind. And I remember him being taken away. We were sitting on the couch then I fell, he trie to help me up, then his hand disappeared. I got up and some laddie had him she ran away with him."maddy said. " Maddy. How do you know this?" Asked mr.smith. " In the book it said the chosen one girl can talk to her long lost twin brother." She said. " Maddy we should've told you. We are sorry. " " I got to go" she said graving my hand. " Where are you going?" I asked " well WE are going to talk to Matt, let's go"

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