Saving matt

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" Ok, Janna since your the leader of the pack can you give everyone a job" I said. " Maddy, this is your brother were saving, I think you should be in charge on this one." Said Janna. "Ok then, can you gather everyone over here please" I said. " Yep" said Janna. everyone came over after2 minutes. " Ok everyone. We have to save my brother. I need to take some pack healers, I need janna, rhydian,bryn,carrie,alric, mum and dad, the rest of you stay here, someone go hunting, make him a tent, do whatever you can, thank you that'll be all." Me janna, rhydian, bryn, carrie, alric,mum and dad, got in a van and started driving. " Ok , me and rhydian will start talking to him. Make sure he's fine"
(In thought)
"Matt are you ok?" I said. " I'm fine, but I don't have much time" said Matt "just hold up, you'll be fine." said rhydian. " Rhydian, what's your deal with my sister?" Said Matt. " What do you mean?, She's my girlfriend, I love her" said rhydian. " Are you only saying that because your the chosen ones your supposed to be together" said Matt "guys, stop" I said. " No! We only know about the book yesterday, I actually love maddy, I would do anything for her, you think I want to save someone I dont know, I'm doing this because maddy wants to" said rhydian. "Whatever she probably doesn't even like you" said Matt. " Matt! I do love rhydian, more then anything,and I trust him more then I trust myself." I said. " Ok.see you soon"
( out of thought)
"I'm gonna kill him"I said. " Rhydian, you know it's not true right?" Said maddy. " I know, but anyone who says I don't love you is gonna get hurt" I said. " Well you can do that after we save him, because we are here." She said. "Ok". We got out of the van. And found a circle " is that were he is?" I said. " He said it is" she said. " Everyone, start digging." She said. After 2 minutes we heard running, we all got down. It was just tom and Shan. " Maddy?!" Shan said. " Over here" maddy yelled. " What are you two doing here." I asked. "Well,we kinda were the ones who blew it up" tom said scratching the back of his neck. "Oh in that case grab a shovel" I said. " For what?" Asked Shan. " Just start digging." I said. Five minutes later maddy put her hand down the whole, but I pulled her back, "I'll do it, I don't want you to get hurt" I said. I pulled him out and sat him down. " Who's that? " Asked Shan. " My twin brother" said maddy "Matt!" She yelled and gave him a hug. " Maddy!" He yelled. " Can I do it now?" I asked. "Later,im not saying you cant, but let's just wait till he's healed" said maddy. We got him in the van, and went back to the pack. We sat him down on a table. " I told you we'd save him" I said she held my hand. " Thank you rhydian, I love you" she said. " I love you to" I said. After ten minutes, Matt came over to our tent. Me and maddy were making out. " Sorry to interrupt, but I'm all healed" he said. Me and maddy pulled apart. We both stood up holding hands. "now?" I asked "now." She said. " Wait, wait. What are you gonna do?" Asked Matt " I'm gonna beat you up for saying I don't love maddy" I said. " And for saying that I don't love rhydian" said maddy. " Guys, I'm sorry I can see you to clearly love each other." he said. " To bad you still said it" I said then punched him in the face.

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