[2] drowning in the bedroom

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"Who was on your mind?"

It all clicked in George's head, he had assumed his feelings were made obvious by himself, by talking to Dream and Sapnap.

"George? You there?" Dream asked again, as George openly apologizes and admits he zoned out, he sighs. "What were you saying, Clay?" As he turned towards the bright, flashing monitor. "Who was on your mind, during the stream?" Clay repeated.

"My mind? Why do you ask that?" George wanted to play dumb. He was clearly stalling so he could avoid having to provide an answer. "During your stream you got all red and—and nervous." Dream responded to George's confused noises. "It's almost like you were—shy and—and-" Clay begun to stutter. "And you got all red and hot.."

["red and hot."]

The words sang to George like chirping birds on an early spring morning, so noisy, yet so calmly. He had thought he knew how this felt, but not this feeling. This feeling was different, it was new and he never wanted it to end, despite the great amounts of pain that came apart of the aftermath.

"Red and hot? Is that how you describe me? Red and hot?" George shot up from his chair with a semi-smirk on his face. He never knew what he was feeling, but it all seemed to come at once. "No-no-no that wasn't my intention sorry, George. I just wanted to know if something was wrong—" Clay was cut off by George's short lecture.

"Clay, I'm okay, you don't need to worry I'm okay! I promise, see? I'm okay!" George panicked, he lied to himself over and over again. We wasn't okay, he wasn't fine, he was panicking. His face felt hotter, and it started to feel so painfully hot. He could hear Dream open his mouth to speak. "Oh, okay. Sorry, again I just wanted to check up on you. Talk to you later? I have to run to the store."

"Yeah, sounds good, talk to you later, Clay."

"Okay, George, bye. Oh, also, I love you."

[A noise rings through George's headphones signaling the end of the discord call.]

George was flustered immediately, his face felt even hotter after Clay left the video call. He turned off his computer and monitor for the night and laid in his bed, sheets off, his body was spread across his bed. He was stuck staring at the pale ceiling, thinking about Clays final words of the night to him.

"I love you."

He turned to his side and rest his hand among his waist, pretending it was Clay's arms wrapped around him. He immediately put in his earbuds and played his soft music that reminded him of Dream, and all of the memories that George and Clay had shared with each other.

George links hands with himself, he wants to believe Clay is there, but he isn't. "I'm going to ask him to visit tomorrow." George says to himself. He slowly drifts off into the night, as the songs switch between genres. George was experiencing mixed emotions that synced with the genres of each song. His smile became larger and larger as he imagined the thought of Clay against him, holding him, kissing him, and never letting go...

George had fallen into deep sleep in the feel of his covers. He had dreamed so softly, so quietly. His dreams could be described in a variety of ways. He had had many dreams where he had encountered Clay, so often so that it almost had seemed like it actually happened to him. However, this dream was different. It's almost like he could interact with Clay through the dream world.

George never knew if these dreams were actually how he felt for Clay, he thought that he was just getting ahead of himself at that point. He didn't think he liked Clay like that. He didn't think he loved Clay like that.

The scary truth is, he didn't want to admit he loved Clay in ways that he couldn't imagine.

George continued to sleep softly and quietly until it was time for him to awaken. Since him and Clay's sleep schedules are just about synced, he could imagine Clay was awake. Until George wakes up to see a text from Dream,

"George, I'm going to see you."

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