[8] blonde boy

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George woke up to see that the TV was on, however, it was randomly going through a slideshow, constantly fading to new pictures of nature.

He had finally realized who's arms were surrounding him, Clay's. He sat up, made sure to be quick, but not disruptive. He turned his head around to face his rose, now bursted into roses.

The rose looked far more vibrant than it had been. George softly smiled as he heard Clay yawn. He turned to see the blonde open up his light eyes, immediately making eye contact.

George went closer, he grew scared for almost no apparent reason. He believed that he would've regret what he exactly wanted.

"Morning." George planted a kiss on Clay's soft lips and pulled away after a few seconds.

"I love you, George." The blonde said to him as he ran his hands through the brunette's hair. He completely took in George's beauty, and continually complimented him as they continued to kiss.

"Clay, you leave me confused sometimes." George looked up at him, his dark brown eyes began to become even darker as his pupils widened.

"What do you mean, George?~" he said in a yawn.

"What...are we? Are we boyfriends or something?" George played with his hands.

"George, I'd be your boyfriend any day." Clay responded in a smile.

"That works out for me, blonde boy."

Their lips connected.

George greeted his cat good morning as always, pouring her food. He prepared Clay toast with butter this time. As he slid the glass plate towards the blonde boy, George was nudged by Clay.

Clay had stood behind him. "Do you want me to make you pancakes?" George didn't need Clay to cook for him.

"Clay- you don't need to it's fine-"

He was interrupted by the lips of his boyfriend.

"- I insist, please let me cook for you, baby." Clay said as he pointed George to a seat at the island.

After a while, Clay had actually successfully made pancakes without burning down George's house, pretty impressive.

He slid the pancakes to George as the brunette looked down and noticed a bit of syrup. The syrup formed the shape of a heart on top of the stack of pancakes.

Clay had hugged George from behind once George had finished eating.

"I wanted to take you to the boardwalk tonight, unless you have another surprise?" George laughed as he spoke to Clay.

"Lucky for you, I'd love to go to the boardwalk tonight." Clay spoke back.

Time had passed, as they were getting ready to attend the boardwalk together.

George slipped on one of Clay's pullover sweaters and made sure to take his white-bordered sunglasses just in case they'd be watching the sunset.

Clay went with George's black Dream hoodie and a pair of jeans. He had smelled the cologne that George had covered it with.

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