[6] odyssey of hopes and dreams

440 8 15

• [1991 Words]
(Valentines Day Special)

There was a knock at the door, George froze.

"Dream, is that you?"

No response came from the other side of the door. The knob began to turn, George realized he hadn't locked it from his trip to the bathroom.

A tall, blonde boy stepped through slowly. He examined George with a tired expression.

"Up so early, are you?" Clay spoke.

"Clay, why are you up-"

The brown-haired boy was cut off by finger on his lips, closing them shut. He slowly moved his thumb to his lips, slightly moving down the bottom lip as he caressed the rest of George's face with his own hands.

"George, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"

George looked at Clay, and blushed a deep red, he attempted to hide it by looking away, but the blonde only pulled his face closer.

"Cause you should express your beauty more." Clay's words were as soft as a whisper.

"Clay, why are you in here?" George grabbed Clay's wrist in attempt to separate his hands from his cheeks. The blonde didn't respond.

"I had a dream about you, Clay." The brown-haired said in attempt to distract the blonde.

The blonde's eyes widened as he pulled away and sat on George's bed next to him. A faint light was traveling through the doorway from the bathroom.

George had enough sight to see Clay's pupils widening as well.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Clay turned to face the floor, he was slightly blushing.

George felt his face heat up, "Not right now, it's late. Also-it's so hot in this room,"  The boy attempted to change the conversation. George got up to turn on the ceiling fan, but he was stopped.

Clay had grasped onto George's hand, pausing him from walking. "Can you stay here with me, please?" The desperate blonde asked.

"Clay, it's so hot in here, can you not feel it?" George turned to say.

Clay grasped his hand tighter and pulled George back onto the bed. "Let me do it. What setting do you want it on?" Clay insisted on doing all of George's dirty work.

"Oh, uhm-medium setting." He responded.

The blonde stood up and turned on the fan, George looked up as the blades began to spin faster and faster, he grew overly focused on each blade. Dream came into view as George's eyesight was back to normal.

"Come here." Clay said with open arms almost in a hugging formation. George pulled into the hug as Clay threw both of their bodies onto George's full-sized bed.

"Why is this bed bigger than the guest bed? The guest bed is like a king." Clay said.

"I honestly don't know." George said in a tired voice.

They cuddled for a short while, as George finally fell asleep. Clay noticed George's breathing as it grew soft. Dream hugged him tighter from behind and planted a kiss on George's cheek.

George shuffled a bit after Clay's kiss, which made Clay blush. "You're so cute, I love you." He whispered in the sleeping boy's ear.

[The clock struck 7:04 AM]

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