Chapter Fifteen

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Years ago, Harry had stolen a toy soldier from the rubbish bin outside. Dudley didn't want it any more and it was going to be thrown out, but something about how the toy couldn't fend for itself and was being tossed out without a second thought made Harry pity it. So, after he had climbed into the large bin to fish it out, Harry had sprinted back to his cupboard under the stairs and cleaned it off with his shirt and played with it until he fell asleep, cradling it in his arms.

Harry was now absent-mindedly fiddling with it, looking apathetically at its sad, chipped paint.

On the tiny chest of drawers next to him, Harry heard his phone vibrate. He didn't mean to look at it, but the bright screen became the only source of light in the dark room.

Message From: Remus 🌙 🍫

Hi Harry, how are you? Just texting again to promise you that we are doing our best to...

9 more unread messages from Remus 🌙 🍫. Read more?

16 unread messages from The Godfather

5 missed calls from Remus 🌙 🍫

113 unread messages from the Golden Trio 🤓🏒🍕

The screen went black again, settling back into sleep mode. Sighing, Harry let his head fall back down onto the pillow and closed his eyes.

There was a cautious knock on the cupboard door making Harry's eyes open again.

"Hello?" a voice said slowly. "Harry? It's me, um, Dudley. Dudley Dursley. Your cousin."

"I know who you are," Harry snapped, rolling over and putting the soldier back on the tiny shelf. "What do you want?"

There was a pause before the boy spoke, his voice slightly muffled by the door. "Dad wants you in the kitchen."

Slipping his hands underneath his glasses, Harry muttered while rubbing his eyes, "Does he, now."

He heard the lock on the door slide open and then the door followed.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut, the light making his head throb. Biting back a groan, he stood up, having to bend over so not to bump his head on the roof. Once he was out, he straightened his back and lifted back his head, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

Dudley awkwardly stood behind the door, peering into the cupboard with widening eyes.

Harry wanted to make a sarcastic comment about how Dudley legitimately couldn't even fit through the doorway. But, instead, he sighed and turned away.

"Finally!" Vernon huffed, turning around as Harry came into the kitchen. He was wearing a button up and the entire room had been cleaned - they had even brought out the nice glasses that Harry was once slapped for touching. "We're having them rich banking men coming over again today and I don't want you inside. You're to stay out in the yard and under no circumstances can you come in."

Harry wanted to ask why couldn't he just have his bedroom upstairs, but bit his tongue. "Yes, sir."

"I do hope they bring the old one," Petunia said to whoever would listen as she scrubbed down the benches for the third time that hour. "I didn't like the young man's attitude. You know, the one who came as his replacement. Seemed like too controlling, if you ask me." She turned a sharp eye to Harry. "What are you still doing here? You're meant to be in the yard - don't tell me you've forgotten how to follow simple instructions, now."

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