Chapter Twenty-three

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 "Was that Draco fucking Malfoy?"

"It's just normal business, Ginny, geez!" Harry said crossly, looking around for the notebook. How far had he thrown it?

"...Alrighty then." a hand on her bag strap, Ginny put her hand on the doorknob and twisted, but when she pushed the door didn't budge. "This bloody-" she grunted, pushing her shoulder against it. "Harry can you open the fucking disappointment of a door, please."

Hands on his hips, Harry slowly pivoted on the spot, looking for that goddamn notebook. If it weren't for bloody Malfoy, then he wouldn't have lost it in the first place.

"Harry?" Ginny's irritated voice somehow didn't pierce through Harry's firm bubble of concentration.

Pushing his glasses up his nose bridge, he huffed. He had just been doodling those stupid colours, it didn't even mean anything. Why had Draco reacted like that to three simple stripes? Harry didn't know why he himself was so embarrassed about it, why he so desperately tried to hide it from Draco, why he threw it somewhere in this fucking room.


Turning his head so quickly that it almost hurt, Harry looked around expectantly only to see Ginny's solid glare.

"Jesus Christ. Some HELP, please!" She repeated, her eyes wide, demanding an explanation.

"Sorry, sorry." Almost tripping over himself to get to the door, Harry swore under his breath. "I was distracted."

"I can tell." Walking through the door, Ginny shook her head, but the look of irritation left within a few seconds. "Who else have we got the shift with?"

Harry didn't want to be the one to tell her it was Colin again, but luckily she changed the subject before he had to answer.

Ginny put her bag down on a bench in the back room before grinning. "Have you heard who the new guy is?"

"There's a new guy?" Harry asked, not liking the tiny feeling of being left out that he experienced. How much had he missed? "No, who is it?"

The face Ginny made caused Harry to raise his eyebrows, his curiosity heightening.

"Don't be an arse. Who is it?" he pushed her shoulder, only making Ginny laugh and run her hand through her long hair.


The high-pitched bells on the cafe entrance made Harry wince, momentarily getting distracted from Ginny. When he saw Hermione enter through the door, however, a smile brightened his face. Just before he was going to put out the new arrival to Ginny, there was an even NEWER arrival trailing in after Hermione with a cocky swagger. "McLaggen?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Wh- how did you know?" Ginny frowned, the thrill of suspense robbed from her.

"No, Ginny - McLaggen," Harry said, quieter this time, nodding in the direction of the customer area.

Spinning around, Ginny raised her eyebrows. "Oh Jesus, he looks even more like a jackass in real life than in his resumé." she muttered, turning around and sliding a hair tie from her wrist around her hair.

"You should see him playing hockey," Harry returned, vividly remembering the dull pain of a hockey stick colliding with his head.

Looking gigantic next to Hermione as she placed her bag on a table, the boy looked around the shop with a raised eyebrow as he took off his scarf.

Rolling back his shoulders, Harry rested his hands up on the counter as the two walked over. "What are you two doing here?" he smiled at Hermione who glanced up at Cormac briefly, checking that he was still behind her.

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