Chapter Twenty-eight

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Just as he opened the cafe door, setting off the high-pitched tinkling of the bell, Draco was faced with two facts: the Granger girl was standing in a pile of coffee beans spread across the floor and Harry was nowhere to be seen.

Hermione did not seem to notice Draco. She covered her face with her hands before quickly crouching and beginning to scoop up the beans with her hands, looking close to tears. "Stupid bloody bags," she whispered angrily to herself, her movements strict and jarring.

Not fond of the awkward scenario of just standing there until he is noticed, Draco shuffled open to the door and pulled on the handle, setting off the bell at the top of the door again.

Bolting upright with wide eyes, Hermione almost fell over. When she realised who was standing before her, her expression slowly slid into one of confusion. "Oh, er, Draco. Good morning."

An eyebrow raised, Draco made a decision to not address the obvious decay of Hermione's sanity. "Just my usual order, thank you."

Stopping her unbalanced hop over to the counter, Hermione sent him a quizzical look. "Your... usual order? I'm not aware of that, sorry."

Draco opened his mouth to argue that Harry knew it so why didn't she, but quickly clamped it shut. Harry knew his order. In fact, if he thought about it, Draco couldn't even remember the last time he told Harry what he wanted to drink. He just always made it without question. Draco couldn't tell which idea he hated more: being predictable or Potter memorising his damn coffee order. Adjusting the collar of his coat, Draco told Hermione his order before sliding a hand into his pocket to pull out his credit card, suddenly feeling as though eye contact may betray his recent realisation.

Also not making eye contact, Hermione stared at the coffee machine as it whirred to life, and Draco realised that her eyes were slightly puffy. Had she been crying?

Clearing his throat, he looked away. "So, where are Tweedledum and Tweedledee?"

With a half-stifled chuckle as if mad that she was laughing, Hermione raised her gaze.

A little impressed, Draco asked, "Well versed in Lewis Caroll, are you?"

"'Well versed,'" Hermione muttered mockingly with a little smile before sniffing and straightening up. "Harry isn't working today."

Draco tried to ignore the deflated feeling in his chest. "Oh."

"And Ronald," she said his name as if the mere mention of it made her want to gag. "Is on a date with his girlfriend."

At this, Draco's eyebrows shot up and he watched Hermione's face carefully. "His girlfriend?" Draco could have sworn that he and Hermione were dating. Did they break up?

Hermione nodded tightly, not looking up from the till.

"Who is it?" Draco pressed, crossing his arms.

She pushed the plastic lid onto the cardboard cup. "Lavender Brown."

Images of a bubbly, sickeningly affectionate girl leapt to the forefront of Draco's mind, and he felt his nose wrinkle. "No," he said, disbelieving. "I know you three aren't famous for making amazing choices, but surely this is a joke."

Pressing her lips together, Hermione shrugged, her eyebrows quirking. "Seems like it is one," she said quietly.

Draco watched as she turned away to grab the EFTPOS machine, coffee beans crunching under each measured step. He watched the way her dark, intelligent eyes blinked away any unwanted emotion, how every movement seemed to be calculated. How she batted back the hair that had escaped from where it was tied behind her head, using her other hand to punch in the numbers. The only classes back in high school Draco wasn't the top of were the ones that he had shared with Hermione. It was infuriating how she always managed to beat him. He never even heard her brag about it. Draco knew that if he had ever bested Hermione, he would have let the whole school know.

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