Chapter Thirty-five

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The car smoothly sped across the dark road, occasionally lit by streetlights zipping past. His hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel, Draco did his best not to swerve into the curb. "I understand that, but-"

"You evidently do not understand!" Lucius' voice spat from where Draco's phone was clipped in the hands-off carrier. "Rushing out of nowhere, ignoring our calls and now you are heading home at one in the morning. Give me one reason I shouldn't take away all your privileges. You think I am not under enough stress as it is without my insolent brat of a son thinking he is smart enough to make any of his own decisions? If you are not home within five minutes, god help me, you won't ever again see the light of day again as long as I live."

Before Draco could argue that the car trip took twenty minutes, Lucius had hung up. Heaving out a sigh, Draco rubbed his face. "Sorry you had to witness that."

In the passenger seat, Harry sat quietly, watching his hands. "I had no idea he spoke to you like that."

Draco just made a "Hmm" noise, staring at the road. After what seemed like ages, he glanced back up. "Well, I guess it's payback for me having to sit with your horrid aunt and uncle."

"What? Whe- oh..." Harry huffed out a laugh, leaning on the door. "That seems like so long ago."

"I'd honestly rather face my father. At least he has manners."

"Yeah." Noticing that they were a few streets away from Privet Drive, Harry said quickly, "Hey, stop here."

Without questioning, Draco pulled over but gave Harry a look once they were parked.

"Just in case someone is there waiting for me and they see you."

Hands neatly falling into his lap, Draco nodded slowly. "My people or your people waiting for you?"

Harry thought about this for a second. "Well, neither would be great, but at least my people aren't actively trying to kill me."

This actually got a laugh out of Draco.

Harry tried not to let that get to his head. Unclicking his seatbelt, he swivelled in the passenger seat so that he was facing Draco. "You're chipper this early morning."

The pale boy glared at him. "Is that so bad?"

"No, no. It's..." Harry shrugged. "Nice. Nice to see you let down your hair."

"You bring that up one more time and I'll-"

"Oh, you'll what?" Harry grinned before letting out a laugh and extending his arms to the windshield. "Draco fucking Malfoy turns up to his old workplace, traumatising ex-co-workers but sending a secret gay message to his..." Hands flopping back down, Harry tried not to look confused.

"Do continue," Draco raised an eyebrow, leaning on his elbow which he rested on the dashboard. His smile wasn't so easily suppressed anymore, and Harry had to look away so that he didn't lose his train of thought.

"You and I..." he began, furrowing his eyebrows. "So we, er, kissed."

"We did. You know, Harry, clearly I've been wrong about you being dense all these years because you've proven tonight how very observant you are."

"Shut up."

"Make me," Draco quipped back, and when Harry abruptly looked up Draco was looking right at him with a steely gaze.

Harry wiped his hands on his jeans. "Later," he said. "I need to say this first. So, we kissed. And talked for a few hours. I guess what I'm saying is, well, what does that make us?"

Modern No-Magic AU DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now