Chapter Twenty-four

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The long, black table was almost full, yet not a word was uttered. Draco tried not to make eye contact with anyone - these were people he knew. His old teachers, parents of people he grew up with, his own classmates and people he once considered friends an eternity ago.

The empty chair at the head of the table held a grim reminder, and Draco felt the uncomfortable sensation of being watched.

"Why isn't 'e here? Thinks 'e's got a better place to be?" someone with a very gruff voice said somewhere across the table.

"You dare question him?" On Draco's right, Bellatrix shrieked. "Our Lord has sacrificed everything for us and you-" she extended a rough finger. "You dare to-"

"Enough, Bella," Narcissa murmured, touching her arm.

Her face contorted into a snarl, Bellatrix stiffly lowered herself back into her seat.

A young man twitched his tongue as he leant on the table, fingers linked together. "So? Has it been done? Have you made our Master proud?"

All eyes shifted to Draco who swallowed uncomfortably.

"Not yet, but-" Lucius did his best to appear confident, but he blabbered too much to be taken seriously. "But, ah, we have his coordinates and we have the plan."

"Calm yourself, Bartemius." a slow, nasally voice commanded.

The man flicked out his tongue again in annoyance. "Master doesn't like being kept waiting, Severus."

"I am aware." Snape's dark, beady eyes travelled the room, momentarily resting on Draco before continuing the cycle. "But he would rather the job be done well... than the job be done poorly. Am I correct?"

Barty Crouch Jr sourly sunk down into his seat.

"Who wishes to tell our newest members of our agenda?" A rough-looking woman said with a snigger.

Draco risked a glance over to a younger-looking man with acne scars whose eyes were glazed over. Drugged.

"Please, Alecto, after you." a man with a striking resemblance to her said.

Circling the drugged man, Alecto began her narrative. "Long ago there was a time where things were as they should be. Our Master kept things in order - maintained our purity. People like us were at the top, and the rest rightfully fell below."

Only slightly moving his neck so that no attention would be brought to him, Draco looked at the faces around him. All of them glowed hauntingly pale in the dim lighting of the room. Eyebrows slightly furrowed, Draco turned back to Alecto, an uncomfortable feeling settling in his stomach.

"But there was only one person who could match our Master. One homo who somehow always found out his plans, who was always one step ahead. He had the opportunity to follow his friend onto the right path, but stopped. Instead of joining, he fought against our way of life. The M15, the NDEDIU, the DI, you name it - they all wanted him. But, he insisted that his passion was..." she said the next word with a scorned chuckle. "Teaching."

A few others joined her with rolling eyes and shaking heads.

"It was this man's fault that our Master was sent into hiding, not to be seen for too long." a horrid smile made its way onto her face and she looked around the table. "Until now." Her eyes rested upon Draco. "What is this man's name, Draco?" she asked testily, eyes wide.

Unable to look up, Draco's form was rigid. He managed to whisper one name. "Dumbledore."

Amycus stood up, a distorted grin on his face. "Until we can fully regain control, we start small. Dumbledore, the Potter boy-"

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