Chapter Three

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Harry stared at Draco from across the room, trying to figure him out. Draco's face was pink when he went out to the customer. A cold? Trying out makeup? No, he didn' have it on before, so he can't be. And wouldn't that be a weird sight, Malfoy wearing makeup...

He pondered on that for a few seconds before he quickly shook his head. No. Focus. Harry tried to make a list of what he needed to figure out: Draco came absurdly late which is not like him at all. Draco had a pink face after they fought. Draco's metaphorical feathers got all rustled when Harry had sidled past him. So, in conclusion... in conclusion.

In conclusion. What was the conclusion? There's gotta be a conclusion in Harry's brain somewhere.

"Oi, scarhead, are you going to actually finish doing those dishes or do I need to hang a hockey stick over it so that you actually pay attention?" Draco's snide voice interrupted Harry's thinking.

Pushing past him to get to the sinks, Harry kept his expression cool. "I'd be surprised if you even knew how to attach it to the wall unless you paid someone else to do it, Malfoy."

Draco scraped food scraps into the bin at his feet and if Harry weren't in the middle of yet another argument, he'd wince at how much was being wasted. "On second thought, maybe I shouldn't hang it up. You would hurt your neck constantly looking up at it, and I'd be afraid to hurt Potter the Golden Boy."

"I'm not that much shorter than you!" Harry's face turned the slightest bit red.

Draco rolled his eyes, hiding a pleased smile. He'd hit a nerve. "Please. Every time you walked on the field we could hardly see you swimming amongst your massive gear!"

"At least I earned that uniform. I didn't have my parents buy my way in like you."

Turning around, Draco's grey eyes glinted. "And what would you know about parents, Potter?"

"You shut up right now!" Harry spun around, clenching his fists, crossing the room in a few aggressive steps.

Eyes widening slightly, Draco quickly backed up. "Oh, poor, parentless Potter. Did I make you feel sad, hm? Do you want to cry?"

"I'm warning you, Malfoy!" Harry fumed, shoving Draco's shoulder. "You better shut the hell up, or I'll-"

"You'll what?" Draco spat, going to take another step further back except he found that he was cornered against the wall.

"What's going on in here?!" Ron came rushing into the room, quickly taking his place beside Harry. He squinted at the blonde boy. "What did you do now?"

"How can you be so sure I was the one who did anything?" Draco scrunched up his nose.

"Something to do with your sickening stench that just screams 'punch me,'" Ron said, cracking his knuckles. For someone as tall and gangly as him, it didn't exactly come off as threatening but it was enough to make Draco sneer and skulk away.

"You alright, mate?" Ron asked, concerned.

Harry glared at Draco's back. "I'm fine. Malfoy's just a git."

"That's right," Ron nodded supportively. "A few orders came through, you good to do them? I'll take over back here."

"Thanks, mate." Harry patted Ron's shoulder before walking out to the serving room.


Harry looked down at his watch, slowing down his journey to the counter. Eleven fifty-two... that's basically twelve, right? So, technically, his shift was over!

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