Chapter Sixteen

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Tying his hoodie around his waist, Harry opened the window.

"Get out of the way, dumbass," he said to Draco who was still standing there, gripping the windowsill.

Not even able to come up with a petty remark, Draco awkwardly stepped to the side. "Won't they know you're gone?" he asked as Harry made it down into the garden bed.

With one last look into the dark room, he closed the windowsill and turned away. "I doubt they even remember I'm in here."

The night air was cold as the dim street lights showed the elongated shadows of two young men stretching down the quiet street of Privet Drive.

Pulling on his hoodie, Harry buried his hands in the front pocket, clenching his battered phone.

Draco quietly cleared his throat, squinting down at the road.

Harry wanted to ask him what happened, but any way to bring up the subject was lost. Instead, he adjusted his glasses that were beginning to fog up.

After a few minutes, Draco's cold voice matched the temperature of the air surrounding them. "You look like a skeleton, Potter. Are you waiting for the cooks from Hogwarts to visit the Golden Boy to satisfy his hunger?" He crossed his arms. "I hate to be the one to break this to you, but I think they've all forgotten about you back there."

"Very funny." Harry muttered, scuffing his shoe a loose section of gravel.

Draco frowned at Harry's lack of comeback. Setting his face determinedly, he looked around. "Surely there's some... some supermarket around this decrepit place."

Harry stared at his sneakers that were falling apart. He left his good ones at Remus and Sirius', unable to somehow get a hold of them. Maybe if he returned their calls or read their texts he could organise a way, but...


Harry looked up. "What?"

Rolling his eyes, Draco sighed. "Are you deaf as well as blind? I said surely there's some supermarket near here. Is there?"

Shrugging yet shaking his head at the same time, Harry attempted to recall anything that could be useful. "I-I don't know, um, I think there may be one, like, a block or two away. Why?"

"Do I have to do everything myself?" Draco muttered condescendingly, reaching into his pocket to pull out a sleek looking phone.

"Why?" Harry said again.

After a few seconds, Draco locked his phone, returning it to his pocket. "There's one five minutes away, on whatever the hell 'Acanthia Way' is."

Losing his patience, Harry shoved Draco's shoulder without putting any force behind it. "Why are we going to a supermarket?"

"Jesus, Potter, do you manhandle everyone?" Draco criticised, rubbing his shoulder. "And we're going to a store because clearly you need to eat before you- I don't know, faint, or something."

Harry wanted to ask why Draco cared, but he shoved that thought away. "I haven't any money. Not on me, at least."

Draco shook his head, paired with an eyeroll. "Honestly, Potter. Well, you're lucky that I actually have a brain and I bring money when I leave my house."

The two lapsed back into silence. Harry had to admit that he didn't mind not being completely alone, the sound of Draco's quiet breathing and crunching footsteps bringing him... comfort, for some reason. Intending on subtly glancing at him before looking back, Harry looked over only to see Draco doing the same.

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