Chapter Four

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Harry was balancing. He didn't know where he was, but he was doing his best to balance. He was on top of some kind of mountain. With a gust of wind, he tipped towards one end, but when he looked down he could see the coffee shop - specifically, the little back room where he always sat after his shift was over. It was a peculiar sight, up from Harry's spot on the mountain.

A figure with pale hair and impeccable posture walked into the room and Harry watched them for a second, but then the figure suddenly looked up straight at him. Their grey eyes were wide and with a gasp, Harry realised who it was.

But just as he did, another gust of wind blew and Harry lost his balance, careening to the other side. He felt his heart leap into his mouth, choking out his scream as he dropped like a stone through the air. Within a few second it got darker and darker and it was at this moment that suddenly Harry's view was blinded with a bright flash of green and he heard someone scream his name-


Chest heaving, Harry jumped as he felt around him. He was in his bed. There was no light, no screams... except a blurry figure at the doorway. "Hn... um..." Groaning, Harry brushed his hand on his bedside table until he found the shape of his glasses and managed to slide them onto his face. "Yep. I'm up."

Remus' friendly face came into view, but one of his eyebrows was slightly creased. "Good morning. Everything okay, Harry?"

Sitting up, Harry leant his head against the wall behind him, rubbing his face. "Erm, yes. Good."

His mouth shifting into a line, Remus gently sat down onto the bed, leaning on his arm. "Bad dreams again?"

Harry cursed himself for Remus' insightfulness. Why could he never manage to hide anything from him? "Yeah, just... it's okay though, I promise."

Remus just squinted at him. "Mm, sure. What was in the dre- sorry, the nightmare?"

Sighing, Harry took his glasses off so that he could rub his itching eyes. "Same thing. Top of something - a mountain, this time - looking down, and I saw..." he trailed off, looking slightly confused.

Though he said nothing, Remus took note of Harry's facial expression and hesitancy.

Harry continued. "Then, I was just... falling. Falling and then that green light flash, someone shouting..." at this, he sent a guilty looking glance to Remus, not wanting him to think he was crazy. "Someone shouting my name. Then I woke up."

"I see." Remus rested his chin on his hand, looking thoughtful as he felt his stubble. "And you still think it's the car crash...?"

"You don't believe me," Harry said, feeling his chest sink.

Remus shook his head. "I didn't say that. I do find it interesting, to say in the least, that the light you supposedly see is green, rather than a red stop light. At least..." his voice suddenly going quiet, Remus stared at his hands.

This has happened a couple of times. When his parents are brought up, the conversation dwindles. They don't mean it to, but Harry understood that the memories were still painful. He couldn't remember his parents - only what he'd seen in photos - and then, if he thought he did remember anything, it was probably something he had made up and not actually lived through.

"I'll get ready," Harry said quietly, not wanting to interrupt.

Clearing his throat, Remus clapped his hands on his knees. "Yes. Right. Ah, okay. I'll just make a quick breakfast and then drop you to the station on my way to work."

Lugging a suitcase behind him and trying to pull on a shoe, Harry stumbled into the living room.

"Ready to go?" Remus asked, jumping up, his mouth full of toast, a portable coffee cup in his hand.

Sirius had his arms crossed, holding onto a mug as if it were the only thing keeping him alive. "Morning, kiddo."

"Morning," Harry grunted, tucking his pillow under his arm as he attempted to carry the suitcase instead of dragging it on the ground.

Sirius scoffed, approaching. "Your persistence is inspiring, but you have a long way to go, kid. Let muscled Uncle Siri carry it."

Raising his eyebrows, Harry playfully pushed Sirius back. "Um, alright, then. But, if my memory recalls, I'm the one who won the last arm wrestling competition? Or are you too old to remember?"

From across the room, Remus almost choked on his coffee as he tried to stifle a laugh.

Sirius squinted at him. "Don't you dare side with the rascal! I am your life partner!"

"Oh, is that what we're calling it, now?" Remus said sarcastically, crossing the room to grab his keys.

An offended hand on his chest, Sirius' voice was full of attitude as he said, "If we've been together for as long as we have, I can call us whatever I want."

Rolling his eyes, Remus put the now-empty cup into the sink and then picked up a backpack. "Alright, love. But we will talk about whatever that is later."

When Remus turned around, Sirius looked at Harry and then, paired with air quotation marks, mouthed, "Talk."

Harry made a face.

"We've got to go," Remus said, slinging the backpack over his shoulder. He tapped his cheek and leant closer to Sirius who just grabbed Remus' chin and kissed him on the mouth.

Shaking his head, Harry began walking towards the door. Surely it wasn't normal to third-wheel to your lovesick godfathers. You'd think after nearly twenty years of being together that they would've grown apart like any normal couple. Was breaking up normal? Harry didn't know much about grown up relationships other than Sirius and Remus who seem a pretty healthy example.

"I'll see you when I get back at six," Remus called over his shoulder as he pushed Harry towards the door.

"I'll be waiting!" Sirius called back, his pleasant chuckle the last thing the other two heard before they closed the apartment door.

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