Chapter Five

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The old car groaned as it slowed to the curb of the train station.

"Alright, Harry," Remus said, one hand on the wheel as he twisted to look at him. His lips were pursed as his eyes - softer than Harry's bright green - searched Harry's face.

Unbuckling his seatbelt, Harry slung his backpack over his shoulder and was about to open the door when Remus put a scarred hand on his arm. He turned to look at him.

"Harry..." Remus looked as if he were choosing his words very carefully. "Sometimes, when we are desperate for answers and can't find any, the brain can create things that aren't entirely true."

Harry felt his eyebrows draw together. "What do you mean?"

Pursing his lips, Remus looked out of the windshield, scanning the passing cars. "It's possible for our minds to make up things that never really happened, things that we don't actually remember, but it tricks us into thinking that we do remember it."

Feeling his heart sink, Harry clenched his teeth but tried not to show his annoyance.

Remus continued. "For example, if you tell a story or if you are told a story over and over again, you might 'remember' details and convince yourself that it happened, when it didn't necessarily... well, happen." Looking apprehensively at the younger boy, Remus rested his elbow on the centre console. "Harry?" he asked gently.

His wind whirling, Harry tightened his fists and tried to keep his breathing calm. "I'll see you in a week." he said before opening the door and slamming it behind him with more force than he intended, not saying anything as he quickly opened the boot and dragged his suitcase out.

Remus sighed, muttering, "Well, that went well," as he turned back onto the main road.

The wheels of his second-hand suitcase dragging against the cement of the station was the only sound louder than Harry's raging thoughts as he walked. One of the wheels didn't even turn any more, which just made Harry angrier. Stupid suitcase with only one working wheel. Deciding to make sure he doesn't actually miss the train, Harry stopped glaring at his feet and squinted at the train numbers. His should be here in just...

Accompanying a screech of metal on metal, the other people who for whatever reason needed to catch a train at 8AM on a Sunday all stood up and gathered their luggage in preparation to board the coming train. Pushing past people and apologising profusely, Harry managed to lug his stupid suitcase onto the train and find a seat next to a skinny man who smelt absurdly like garlic.

Taking in a deep breath, Harry put in his earbuds and pulled up Spotify, the first song coming on being River Lea. Harry leant against the window. "You won't think I'm an idiot, will you, Adele?" he said glumly, earning a strange glance from the man sitting next to him who seemed to lean as far away as possible.

Closing his eyes, Harry let himself just enjoy the music, letting Adele's dulcet tones bring his anger down until he was calm.





So much for being calm. Picking up his buzzing phone, Harry saw fifteen messages from the Golden Trio group chat.

Ron: Harry whr r u

How am i meant to servive

Im so lonly


??? how do u spell

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