Chapter Thirty-eight

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Eyes full of unspoken hatred, Draco stared at the healing skin on his left forearm. This was the first time he'd bunched up his long sleeve to properly look at it and the bile that built in the back of his throat combined with the stinging reminder of the needle and the blistering skin reminded him of how deeply fucked his life is.

Through every minute he spent with his family and the Death Eaters, the thought of Harry - Harry being safe - kept him sane. If Draco from a few years ago - hell, a few months ago - saw him now, saw as he realised he missed Potter...

Draco missed Harry. He missed his eyes, their ferocity and their emerald sheen. He missed his hair, how wild it was and how it drove him crazy. He missed the stupid smile he would make when he's riling Draco up. He even missed his infuriating obliviousness. He missed it all.

Draco wished not for the first time that they could be two insignificant random people in any other situation. Two people meeting for the first time at a small coffee shop, flirting over their separate orders. Anything but this. 

"Can you pass me the salt, darling?" Narcissa's voice pulled Draco out of the safe cocoon he had created in his mind.

Looking around, the tension in the air made his neck stiff. As he reached for the salt container, Draco's eyes didn't lift high enough to see the pale face at the head of the table staring him down.

Lucius' awkward attempts at conversing with the Dark Lord filled the silence interrupted only by the clinking of cutlery on plates.

Draco couldn't eat.

"It seems that the boy has escaped us." Voldemort's whispery voice grated against Draco's ears. "He has been taken from his regular housing to a safer location, unbeknownst to me. Severus informed me that only a select few of the Order members are aware of this location and he is not one of them." His cold eyes swept over the parents and their son. "I must make alterations to my plan."

Gripping his hands together under the table, Draco mentally congratulated himself on the blank face he upheld despite the terror and anxiety clamping around his heart.

"How may we be of assistance?" Lucius asked.

Voldemort's eyes shifted to the older man. "Remain alert until I have use of you. Your loyalty and willingness to host me in your humble home has been noted." The way he spoke and the slight curl of his lips made him give the impression that what he was saying was secretly funny only to him. He slowly rose from the table. "That will be all. I am not to be disturbed." He left the room.

Without looking up from the table, Draco asked, "May I be excused?"

Narcissa and Lucius traded eye contact before hesitantly allowing him to leave.

Almost immediately when he was out of view, Draco pulled out his phone.

Draco: How are you?

He was relieved when he received a reply straight away.

Harry: not great. hate being cooped up like this

how ru?

Draco typed out 'Could be better' before he backspaced, making it to his bed and lying down before retrying an honest sentence.

Draco: Im stressed and i am worried about everything. it is getting more and more difficult to live with these people in this godforsaken house

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