Chapter Twenty-nine

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Before Harry even opened his eyes, he felt a grin spread across his face like the morning sun he just awoke to. Rubbing roughly at his face, he swiped along his bedside table for his glasses, blindly sliding them up his nose as he switched on his phone. Still groggy from hours of unconsciousness, he sunk back into the flat, lumpy pillow and squinted at the small screen, his eyes screaming to be closed again.

Harry: good morning

Draco: What the fuck do you want, Potter?

Harry: jesus someone woke up on the wrong side of the incredibly expensive bed

Draco: Fuck off.

Harry: did the silk pillow cases tousel your hair too much?

Draco: *tousle.

And I do not have silk pillowcases.

Harry: u sure buddy

Draco: Call me 'buddy' again and I slit your throat.

Harry: ok budster

Draco: Go hurl yourself into the Thames. And when you're at the bottom, make sure to take a deep breath so that I will never hear you say that ever again.

Draco: Are you going to be at the cafe this morning or not.

Rolling out of bed, Harry shuffled into jeans he had discarded on his bedroom floor and quickly sprayed himself with a half-empty deodorant can before typing into his phone as he walked out the door.

Harry: yep. U?

Draco: If you have an alternative shop that sells coffee this early, please do share.


Above Harry's head was a sheet of various greys, the difference between where the clouds ended and the sky started indistinguishable. The cold bit at Harry's cheeks and he hurried down the pathway, hands deep in his pockets.

Someone fell into step beside him. "Mornin, Harry."

With a bright smile, Harry turned his face to the young woman as he continued walking briskly. "Oh, good morning, Tonks. What's the special occasion?"

Tonks' bright orange head of hair bobbed up and down but her firmly cheerful tone did not waver. "Top secret meeting." she playfully grimaced. "I'm to accompany you."

Harry tried not to let his smile falter. "Oh. But, I have a shift a-"

"Nope. McGonagall has replaced you, you're good to go." Abruptly stopping, Tonks gestured to a car beside her and opened the passenger door. "After you."

Pressing his lips together, Harry looked up the street as he put a hand on the door. Two more blocks and he would have been there. Draco would have been there. 

Trying not to let his disappointment show, Harry ducked and climbed into the front seat, slamming the door behind him.


"Nice house," Harry said sarcastically, slowly walking past the rusty iron pickets and over the crumbling garden. He squinted upwards at the grey building, wondering where all the windows were. "Where are we, exactly?"

"Grimmauld Place," Tonks replied, ever chipper. She waltzed past Harry and rapped smartly on the old looking door and shot Harry a mischievous smile. "This is where Sirius grew up."

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