Chapter Eighteen

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Draco stirred as soft sunlight filtered from in between the open blinds, making his nose itch.

Rubbing his face, he attempted to sit up, only to find that everything hurt. "Fuck you, Potter," he muttered bitterly, regretting ever giving him the bed. Potter. Blinking and furrowing his eyebrows until his previously dormant body became active again, Draco looked over to the small bed on the other side of the room.

In it lay Harry's sleeping figure and, for once, he looked peaceful.

Standing up, Draco crossed his arms and watched the way Harry had his legs curled almost all the way to his chest, his arms tucked underneath his head.

Draco wished that Harry would just keep sleeping. The disturbing horrors that awaited him would rear their heads if he opened his eyes, and Draco feared that Harry may not be able to simply 'bounce back' this time. He didn't want to see Harry break. He couldn't sit idly by and watch that.


With a groan, Harry clawed for his glasses somewhere on the bedside table. What time was it? He had had a disturbingly good sleep and for the first time in a good while felt well-rested afterwards.

Finally, he managed to slide his glasses on his face and groggily prise his eyes open, looking around.

Hold on.

A folded blanket sat idly in the corner of the room. Yet there was no sign of Draco.

Frowning, Harry made an effort to get out of bed. Perhaps Draco was just in the bathroom, or maybe waiting outside. 

Harry's phone sat in his lap and as he stared at it, he thought of something Draco said - something about not being a dick to himself. And, feeling as though it was an external force controlling his hand, Harry picked up his phone and put in his password and clicked a few things before holding the phone to his ear. Within a few seconds, two other people picked up the call.

"Harry? Oh my god!" Came Hermione's shocked but relieved voice, and Harry already felt some tension release in his face.

"H- ry? Wher- fuck have you been?" Ron's eager voice crackled through his bad internet, making a smile etch across Harry's face.

"Good to see you too."

"What happened, Harry? We've been-"


"-Trying to get a hold of you for over a week! We were both worried out of our-"

"What th- pened? We both- you were dead!"

Rubbing his forehead with a grin, Harry stood up and squinted. "What are you saying? Your internet sucks, Ron."

"It really does, Ronald."

"Fuck- both. So?"

Harry took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, guys. Some... some stuff happened. Remus and Sirius came to the Dursleys but... it didn't go well."

"Scar-bursting not well?" Ron questioned.


With hardly any hesitation, Hermione's tone turned gentle. "We know, Harry. Professor Lupin and Sirius called us."

"They- they did?" Harry's eyes widened. It didn't surprise him, but... he just didn't expect people to put such an effort into making sure he was okay.

"Yeah, m- te." Ron said in agreement. "-d what they sai... shit sucks, man. -'m sorry."

"Don't be," Harry said firmly. "And, besides... I'm better now."

Modern No-Magic AU DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now