The Storm

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Zuko's POV
Staring through my telescope, I searched the clear skies for any sight of him- the avatar had yet again slipped from my grasp.

Y/N sat up on the slanted roof behind me, looking up at the sky and uncle inhaled the sea breeze before announcing, "there is a storm coming. A big one."

I screwed up my face and pulled the telescope from my eye before responding, "you're out of your mind, uncle. The weather's perfect, there's not a cloud in sight."

Y/N shouted down, "the weather is pretty perfect."

Uncle shook his head, "a storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head south-west."

"We know the avatar is travelling northward. So we will do the same."

"Prince Zuko, consider the safety of the crew."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "the safety of the crew doesn't matter!"

I felt someone's eyes on me and turned to face the Lieutenant, who raised an eyebrow at me. I glared back at him, "finding the avatar is far more important than any individuals safety."

Zuko stormed inside as Iroh reassured the lieutenant, "he doesn't mean that, he's just all worked up."

But the lieutenant wasn't amused, he looked up at me, "so you're just gonna let your little boyfriend talk about you like that?"

I jumped down onto the deck, unfazed by the snarky comment, landing gracefully before shrugging at him, "I'm not a part of your crew, lieutenant, I'm simply hitching a ride. Zuko wasn't talking about me, he was talking about you."

I retreated back inside, leaving the lieutenant speechless and searching for Zuko.

I found him in his bedroom, with his door wide open, slumped on his bed, clearly agitated.

I leaned against his door frame and knocked twice against it, "knock, knock."

He groaned, "go away."

"Do you wanna spar? It'll give you something to take your anger out on."

He sat up abruptly, yelling, "I SAID GO AWAY!" Flames shot out of his clenched fists and his mouth.

I threw my hands up in surrender, "okay, okay! I was just trying to help." Before turning back it not the hall and closing his door behind me.

A little while later, I heard chatting amongst the crew outside, as I went to join them, I stopped outside to see that the skies that were so clear earlier had been completely covered in grey clouds.

As if on cue, Zuko came storming out, the lieutenant cockily yelling over at him, "oh, looks like your uncle was right about the storm after all."

Iroh, trying to keep the peace, shrugged, "lucky guess!"

Zuko ignored Iroh and turned to the the lieutenant, "Lieutenant, you'd better learn some respect," he jabbed his fingers onto the lieutenant's chest, threateningly, "or I will teach it to you."

As Zuko walked away from him, the lieutenant yelled after him, "what do you know about respect!? The way you talk to everyone around here, from your hard-working crew to your esteemed uncle. I bet even Y/N is getting sick of the way you speak to her. You clearly know nothing about respect. You don't care about anyone but yourself! Then again, what should I expect from a spoiled prince!?"

your love is my oxygen - Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now