Sozin's Comet: Part 4

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I didn't even take a moment to slow down before landing, opting for crashing through the roof of the barn instead.

In my defence, it saved about forty seconds of the journey time.

I rushed out into the farm and started searching frantically for a familiar face- someone who would trust me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

I felt weight being lifted off of my chest at the sound of that voice, I immediately turned around and sprinted straight at him, pulling him into a tight hug, "Lee! I'm so glad it was you that I found first!"

He hugged me back tightly, "I'm so glad that you're alive. I've been waiting everyday for you to send word of your safety"

I pulled away and stepped back, "I'll apologise later, right now, I'm here to repay the debt I owe you"

"Debt? What? Y/N, don't worry about it, I helped you because I wanted to, you don't owe me a thi-"

But I cut him off, "I'll explain as we evacuate the town, I need you and as many earth benders as you can find to start digging out an underground tunnel, we're getting as many people out of here as we can"

And the spirits were smiling upon us on that day because running into Lee first was the best luck I could've had- he followed my instructions without second thought, and once that town had started on the tunnel and all of the people living there had evacuated into it, Lee jumped on the back of my glider and we flew to the next town over.

"The Fire Lord is using the power of Sozin's comet to wipe out the Earth Kingdom, starting on the shores of your town. It's just like what happened to the air benders a hundred years ago"

"And you came back for us?"

"Of course I did, after the kindness this town has shown me, how could I possibly leave you all to die? Especially you, Lee"

We were on our second to last town when the fleet of air ships came into our line of sight, the panic made us both rush through the process faster, barely giving anyone a moment to realise what was going on, dragging people out of their homes, sprinting across the town to find missing people- and as we approached the final town, the glow of the flames burning was already fast approaching.

The town had already begun to burn as I dropped the last citizen into the tunnel below their town, but somehow we managed to save everyone- well, I hope that it was everyone.

The fire continued to rain down on the Earth Kingdom and I span back around and started calling out for Lee.

When he didn't respond, I took to the skies to get a better look on the town, and then I finally saw him, stood on top of a roof building, binoculars to his face; a building that was about to go up in flames.

I felt myself shake my head as I dove towards him, using my feet to pick him up from under his arms, landing further away from the airships and asking, "so, where would you like me to drop you off?"

"What do you mean? Where are you going?"

I nodded in the direction of the air ships, "my friends are over there, trying to stop the air ships, I'm gonna do what I can to help them and then I'll head back to the capital to help Prince Zuko and my other friend"

He scrunched his eyebrows, deep in thought before flicking his eyes back to me, "do you want some extra help?"

I sucked in my breath and shook my head, "if you wanna help, you could start evacuating the next towns over, but we should've stopped the airships before they arrive"

He nodded and saluted me, "yes ma'am"

I chuckled before opening my glided and gesturing for him to hop on. As I let him down in the closest town, I turned to him and wrapped him in a hug. He squeezed back tightly and muttered, "now, don't you go dying on me, okay, Y/N?"

I stepped back and saluted him, "I'll try my best, stay safe, Lee!" before shooting back up into the sky on my way to the air ships.

Zuko's POV
"Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today. I am."

My sister laughed mockingly, "you're hilarious"

Katara stood by my side and glared at Azula, "and you're going down."

As the sage attempted to place the crown on my sister's head, she held up her hand, "wait! You want to be Fire Lord? Fine. Let's settle this, just you and me, brother, the showdown that was always meant to be- Agni Kai."

"You're on."

Katara whispered, "what are you doing? She's playing you. She knows she can't take us both so she's trying to separate us."

"I know, but I can take her this time."

"But even you admitted to your uncle that you would need help facing Azula."

"There's something off about her, I can't explain it, but she's slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt."

I turned to my sister as she discarded her cloak and mocked me, "I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother."

"No, you're not."

And as I said that, a massive wave of blue flames came crashing towards me, and my own orange flames blasted right back at them.

The sky lit up as flames of orange and blue danced together, it would've been a beautiful sight if they weren't there for the soul purpose of two siblings trying to destroy one another.

I felt Azula's flames almost lick my skin as the sweat beads trickled down from my forehead. The intensity of our blasts was sending my feet backwards, but I held my attack until she stopped hers.

She turned to see the burning building behind her before advancing on me once again, but I wasn't going to lose, I had too many reasons that I needed to win this fight.

I blocked her again and again, and attacked back until I knocked her down, sending her crashing into the ground.

She stood up panting and glared at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

I yelled to her, "no lightning today? What's the matter? Afraid I'll redirect it?"

"Oh, I'll show you lightning!"

When I arrived at the airships, Suki, Sokka and Toph had already done it- they'd already stopped the attacks as best they could.

"Go and help my sister and Zuko! We've got this handled!"

I nodded at Sokka before flying at full speed towards the Fire Nation capital, hoping that the day was going as planned for Zuko and Katara, too.

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