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And so the story played out the way we all know it, but the memory of Y/N lived on forever, a constant reminder of everything that she stood for.

Zuko and Y/N had both taken about half of the lightning's impact, and although Zuko was able to survive it, the time Y/N spent in the iceberg had taken a toll on her body, and she just couldn't pull through.

It wasn't only her, Avatar Aang died in the early stages of his children's adulthood- but he left behind the beginning of a new nation- the next generation of airbenders.

His one airbending son named his bison Oogi, after the bison that Y/N had loved so dearly, and when flying bison started to populate the earth again, Aang hoped that somewhere out there, Y/N was crying tears of joy at the sight of it.

Fire Lord Zuko eventually married Mai, they had one daughter who became the next Fire Lord and led the nation through the time of Avatar Korra, another legendary woman who would go down in history books alongside Katara, Toph, Suki and Y/N.

Avatar Korra found it difficult to pick up air bending at first, and it wasn't until Tenzin realised that she was exactly the way his father described Y/N to be that he figured out that there were approaches to air bending that he never had the chance to learn, as he had never experienced the blessing that it was to have known her.

Back when she died, there were many that came to mourn her. People from the north-west of the Earth Kingdom mourned the false-avatar who came back to save them from burning to ashes: among them was a young man who claimed that she had taken his heart with her to the grave- his name was Lee.

Despite having lived through two lifetimes, Y/N lived a short life, and although she often fended for herself first, the love she left behind was like oxygen to those around her, no one wanting to let her die out from their hearts and minds.

And maybe, if she had been born into another life, as a fire bender in Ozai's army, as a water bender who had been banished from her tribe, an Earth Kingdom rebel trying to mess with the Dai Li or even as a non-bender from Prince Zuko's crew, perhaps then she would've lived.

But not every story has a happy ending.

A/N- thank you to everyone who took their time to read my little fanfic, i appreciate every single one of you!

if you're looking for a new zuko x reader fic, i teased the next few stories i have coming out at the end of the epilogue, but my new fire nation reader x zuko is out now! it's called 'set my heart on fire' and i just published the first chapter!

thanks again for all your support <3

your love is my oxygen - Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now