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Zuko's POV
And so the next day, at sundown, Y/N excitedly knocked on the door after disappearing for most of the afternoon.

Uncle opened the door to her giggling, "Well, hello there! I do believe I should have a hot date somewhere around here? And by hot, I mean hot headed. Like, I've seen literally smoke come out of his ears!"

I groaned and pushed past uncle to get to the door and heard Y/N playfully gasp, "Oh? Did you get all dressed up just for me, Zuko?"

I felt my face burn as I snapped, "what!? No!"

But she grabbed my arm and hummed, "okay. Well, for what it's worth, you look nice."

I exhaled, muttering, "thanks..."

And then she let go of my arm and stepped back, "well? How do I look?"

"You look the same as you always do?"

She exhaled and shook her head, lightly chuckling, "you're completely and utterly hopeless."

"What? I didn't mean that in a bad way! You look- well, you look pretty."

She turned to me, raising and eyebrow with a playful smirk across her lips, "so, you think I'm always pretty?"

I huffed, "well, yeah... obviously. Can we just get going!?"

She chuckled, opening her glider, "hop on, then!"

"Please tell me that's a joke."

"Nope, it's the only way to get where we're going."

"Then let's go somewhere else."

She folded her arms, "what!? No! I've taken half the day planning this out!"

"So you spent the entire day scheming, planning how to get me on the back of your death trap?"

"Well, duh."

I huffed, "you're insane."

She clapped her hands together, grinning, "Well, to the grave we go, jump on!"

As we finally landed in the middle of a forested area, Y/N pulled the Fire Nation headband I had given her out of her pocket and tied it around my eyes, "okay! Can you see anything?"

"Wide and clear. It's not like there's a piece of fabric over my eyes stopping the blood circulation to my brain."

"Perfect!" I felt her hand grab mine and my heart skipped a beat, "we're almost there!"

I stumbled over a few branches and bumped into a few trees on the way, "can you not do that!?"

And she hummed back, "you should really watch where you're going, Zuko!"

So annoying.

After a few minutes she let go of my hand and told me, "wait here and do not peak!"

I could hear her rustling around for about a minute before she exhaled, "uh... yep, okay!" I felt her come up behind me and untie the headband, and as it dropped she sung, "tada!"

In front of me was the most picturesque picnic I had ever seen; there was a burgundy blanket laid out by a small pond. It was surrounded by trees and the evening sun shone through the leaves.

She pulled me over to it and started explaining, "I went around the city to find as many different Fire Nation foods as I could, and I've got some for the turtle-ducks, too! I'm not really sure if you'd like this kind of thing, I mean... I'm more of an activity person myself but, I dunno, you said you missed home and I just thought this would be a nice idea."

your love is my oxygen - Zuko x readerWhere stories live. Discover now