Chapter 4: You, Me, and Your Fucking Boyfriend

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"Wait s-so you have been in a team before?" asked Kokichi, sitting up from her beanbag, looking over at Shuichi, while the male was trying his hardest not to look at her exposed shoulder (Keyword: Tried, as in he failed miserably). "Yeah I was in the soccer team for most of my highschool life, but I quit 2 years ago." said Shuichi and Kokichi raised an eyebrow and asked "Why though?"

"Well because everyone felt sorry for me. It's an accident that happened during my 10th grade that I don't usually enjoy recalling back to." said Shuichi and Kokichi fumbled with her sleeves. "Well, if it's okay with you. You can share it with me." said Kokichi and Shuichi paused for a moment and Kokichi stuttered and said "Y-you don't have to! If it has traumatized you then you don't need to share it with me. After all, we've only been talking to each other for only a few months." Shuichi sighed and said "No, it's okay."

"Well all I can say is that I used to live with my uncle and well one day we got in a car crash with me only surviving." said Shuichi bluntly. "I know that it doesn't seem like a big deal that much, but that will be the most I'll describe of the event since I don't like recalling it that much." said Shuichi, his memory fading into the many sirens and panicked shouts when the ambulance and police arrived at the scene. Shuichi could recall him sitting in the passenger's seat with the airbag feeling like it's suffocating him with his uncle hunched over the wheel with blood oozing out his head. Everything felt like hell.

"Well, I guess you can say that the event kind of made me scared of going into vehicles except for the train." joked Shuichi and Kokichi frowned. "It's not that funny Shuichi." said Kokichi, looking down at her lap, she seemed to be extremely interested into her fingernails for a moment. Shuichi did an awkward laugh and said "Yeah it really is." "So you never went back to the soccer team because they felt sorry for you?" asked Kokichi and Shuichi said "Yeah, after the funeral they all acted as if I was someone fragile and in need to be taken care of. They didn't let my play offense and really, I just stopped showing up to practices."

"Did you enjoy playing it?" asked Kokichi and Shuichi nodded. "Yeah I really did." Kokichi was about to say something else, but decided to keep her mouth shut. "But we should really not delve into that topic too much. Afterall we still have to do some tutoring for you." said Shucihi. "Ah, yes, I forgot about that." said Kokichi, awkwardly scratching her face. "Well fall break is approaching, so I do suspect that you have a lot of tests coming up." said Shuichi, as he pulled Kokichi's biology book out of her bag.

"So, do you want to review the pyramid again or do you want us to take a break?" asked Shuichi. "Ah, I really can't make a lot of decisions for myself. But a break does sound nice." said Kokichi. Shuichi nodded as he made a bookmark where the diagram was at while he then opened the TV. "Say do you have any streaming services on this?" asked Shuichi and Kokichi nodded. "Yeah, I have Netflix." said Kokichi.

"Well, I do have this show in my head, but I'm not sure if you would like it since it has violence in it." said Shuichi. "W-well, it depends on what kind of violence it is. What is the show about?" asked Kokichi. "Well are you okay with watching some highschoolers becoming detectives?" asked Shuichi and Kokichi widened her eyes. "Y-yeah, I like detective shows. What's it called?" "Danganronpa, we can watch till the first trial and then we can go back to studying." said Shuichi as he then opened Kokichi's netflix account to go search for it.

Kokichi bundled herself in a cocoon of blankets while Shuichi sat in the space beside and turned on the TV.

. . . . . . .

It was now October, which means 2 things, the more better and brighter thing called Halloween and the other thing that dreaded everyone's minds, the exams for the end of the quarter. Which means that they only had around 1 month to study, which also equals the hectic Kokichi who was running around her bedroom freaking out if she was going to do any good in the exams since she really wanted the credit. Shuichi assured her that she was going to be fine since she got nearly a straight A report card, the only thing she lacked was in her history class and said that they should be able to boost that grade up. And for the most part it was optional since her grades were already pretty high.

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