I'll be Back

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(3rd Person)

Dipper tried to fight back but Bill had his arms pinned to his sides, making him only able to shake his head. 'Nonononono!' Dipper thought as Bill reached for his window. Suddenly, Grunkle Stan burst through the door, baseball bat in hand. "HEY! Let go of My Nephew!" He shouted. Bill's eye turned red in rage but he pushed Dipper to the floor and flew out the window. Grunkle Stan ran over to his nephew, who was still in complete shock."Did he hurt you kid? I'll kill him if he did!" Stan yelled. "N-No, He didn't but he did scare me," Dipper replied still in total shock and confusion. Why DIDN'T Bill hurt him? He stopped Bill during Weirdmeggadon...Wait...HOW IS BILL EVEN BACK?! 

(Meanwhile with Bill)

Bill smashed every fragile item in his sight.

"UGH!!! FEZ JUST HAD TO GET IN MY WAY‼' Bill thought. Pyronica then floated in, pink flames around her. "I'm guessing the attempt at capturing your love failed Boss?"'She said with a slight giggle."I will send you into a flooded dimension!"Bill threatened. "Besides, this was just a test to see if it would be that easy...for now I plan my strategy, "Bill said twirling his cane. "After all, I'm BILL CIPHER"


(Real author: Originally It was going to be "I always come back" but then I had a flashback to William Afton/Springtrap from FNAF so I changed it. Anyways hoped you enjoyed part 2; It's late I know but I have midterm exams and sports to worry about, till next time~)

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