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last time

Dipper is now in a special room and is almost one hour giving birth to the first child then one minute later to the second child than when the babies were cleaned up then the doctor said: there both are boys and their half-human and half-demon.

''Can we see then'' king Cipher asked ''we will bring them just a second please''

after the kids were brought they were given to the new parent's queen and king Cipher.

INFO: this chapter is just in Dippe's POV 

____Time Skip____

(three months because demon humans older faster until they reach 1 human year then there grown slower)

Dipper POV:

Me, Bill and our children(Bill Junior{BJ} and Hazel) are going to see my uncles and sister today because I become a letter and in there where that Pacifika is pregnant (Bill helped with his magic that Pacifika can become pregnant). ''Pinetree are you coming'' ''yes Bill be there in ten seconds''

Bill's Kids

Hazel speak: Hi

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Hazel speak: Hi

Bill Junior (BJ) speak: Hi

both speak: Hi  people


the letter

In the throne room

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In the throne room

''ahhh.. here you are my love'' ''sorry Bill I forgot my crown'' ''it's alright you are even cuter with or without a crown my beautiful queen'' *kiss the big dipper on dipper's forehead* ''dad daddy!'' two voices called it where our two sons ''Hazel BJ what have I and your dad told you about running'' I said a little angry ''sorry daddy'' ''sorry'' ''It's alright now come on we must go now'' Bill said and then we teleport in front of the shack and when Mabel saw us then she runs to us and hugs me. ''Hey bro bro where are my nephews'' ''we are here aunty''*they run to hug Mabel and she did the same*''Dipper you came and are this yours and Bill children'' ''yes they are our children lama'' Bill said to Pacifica. Then we went inside and there I hug my uncles then we helped all together preparing for the party tonight.

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