An encounter (rewrite)

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(3rd Person)

Dipper sat at his desk, writing in his journal. His Journal was a Royal Blue colour in leather, it had a golden pine tree on the front with a white rim around it. Dipper had been writing about any new findings in Gravity falls he found, after deciding to stay there with Mabel and his uncles. Things had really changed in Gravity falls since Bill was defeated 2 years ago, for starters; Mabel remained just as girly and energetic and she was a cheerleader now for the school, not that it mattered since it was summer now. Dipper then closed his journal and yawned, checking the clock.

"3:00 a.m, Looks like I overworked again".

Dipper then got up from his desk, it was small and made out of Pinewood, With a white lamp and stacks of paper on both sides. He then went over to his bed, which had Navy Blue covers and pure white pillows. He took off his clothes and put on his pyjamas, which was a red T-Shirt with black shorts and white socks. He then got into bed and soon fell asleep, not realizing how tired he was until getting comfy.


"He looks so cute when he sleeps...~"
I thought to myself while watching him through the window of his room. He and Shooting Star must've gotten separate rooms, cause I didn't see any of her things in the room. Only A desk, A large white and blue bookshelf full of books, a bed which had Pinetree sleeping soundly in, A large white rug, a blue beanbag chair and 2 backpacks; One white and stuffed of school supplies and another one, brown and busted up. I watched Pinetree sleep so soundly for a few more minutes, making sure he was asleep, before climbing in through his window and creeping into the shadows as I heard him groan into consciousness.

Dipper POV:

I woke up to the sound of my window opening. I looked around my room but I couldn't see anyone, still being only half awake. I got up from my bed and shut the window, making sure nobody would wake up. I was about to go back to bed but then I heard the sound of a floorboard creaking. I realized someone had to have been here. "Who's there?!", Trying to sound threatening, constantly checking my back to see if anyone was coming from behind. Then suddenly a black, leather glove clamped around my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist. I tried to talk, or scream, or something! All that came out however was a muffled sound. "Aw Pinetree, We don't want me getting caught would we?~".My eyes widened and I soon realized who it was. The Master of Weirdness himself; Bill Cipher.

"Missed me Pinetree?~, Admit it You Missed Me~"

Bill said with a smile on his face. He was in a human form by the looks of it. He had black hair with a yellow streak in the front, a golden tailcoat with a brick pattern, Black plants with matching black dress shoes, A black Tophat and a Triangle Eye patch covering one of his eyes. Bill then starts to drag him over to the window, trying to get him out.

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