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Info: little blood and self-hurt

Last time:

3th Persone:

The boy stands up and gives his foot near his chest and cried


Dipper POV:

It was two days and I was the full time just crying because I will never see my family again because I can't get out of the Fearmaid. Bill or Peronica went often in my room to cheek on me but Bill saw a little worried about it and he speaks to me but I don't answer his question, after a couple of minutes they left me alone again, but every time Peronica was on the way to walk out of my room she gives my food on the bed but I don't eat it I was just crying.

Bill POV:

It was two days and my sweetheart was just crying in his room he doesn't even eat his food so his body wasn't in a good stated so I became an idea (what if I and Pinetree spend some days alone we can play games, read books or I could just bath him because he is her since one week and then we can go on a walk into the woods and have a picnic there) I think then I said''Dear friends I will have some alone-time with my love and I don't want any interference. Oh, and Peronica can you please say it to Sapling, please so that he knows about it if it's okay for you.'' ''It's okay for my chef because I want to look at him and tried to speak to him'' then she bowned and left.

At the Mystery Shak:

Ford POV:

We have freed Mabel and Gideon from Bill's evil bubble and went back to the Mystery Shak. '' we are back'' I said and then Wendy, Soos, Pacifika and McGucket run tower us but Robin or what his name was just stared at us. ''Gues you're back but where is Dipper'' Wendy asked then Mabel pointed on Gideon and said'' he must know it because he let Bill in the Shak'' then tears fell out her eyes. All eyes were on Gideon then he spoke'' ok ok ok I will say it'' then he took some deep breaths and continued to speak "Bill will make Dipper his queen and marry him on his 19th birthday that's all I know really.'' I couldn't face it that Dipper and Bill be a Couple and that for all eternity because I know that Bill did or will do something that he will be with him for all eternity.

Back at the Fearmaid at Dipper's room door:

Peronica POV:

I have knocked on the door but nobody hasn't responded so I went in and Sapling was on the bed and was crying so I seat next to him and said"Sapling are you alright" no response so I speak again" I am here just to say to you that you and Bill will spend some time together alone and if you're scared about your family so don't be, because nobody from them wouldn't die. Since you are here we all let the townspeople alone just for you because Bill knows that you hate when he hurts the people. He does it just to know you better that's all that he will, so please Sapling speak to us all please and you don't need to be scared that we all will do something to you and your family and friends." Then he spoke but it was so quiet but I understand it a little.

Pinetree aka Dipper POV:

When she comes in then she sat next to me and then she spoke"Sapling are you alright"I don't respond but Peronica continued" I am here just to say to you that you and Bill will spend some time together alone and if you're scared about your family so don't be, because nobody from them wouldn't die. Since you are here we all let the townspeople alone just for you because Bill knows that you hate when he hurts the people. He does it just to know you better that's all that he will, so please Sapling speak to us all please and you don't need to be scared that we all will do something to you and your family and friends." I was shocked all that what she said. when she went up from the bed I began to speak" I..I...I under..understand bu..but I do..don't's all...w..w..what..I..w..want" I said little too scary and shaking. then she said that she will go for something to eat because I need food and left. then I went into the bathroom and put my pocket knife from my blue quilted vest pocket and began to cut myself.

Peronica POV (yes I know that I am common):

(After forty-five minutes later from getting out from Dipper's room)

I have knocked on the door from Pinetree because I brought him his food but nobody hasn't responded so I went in and I saw that Sapling wasn't on the bed so I let the food on the desk next to the bed. Then I went into the bathroom to look if he is in there and then I saw him on the floor and with a knife next to him and a little blood so I scream "BILL". Than Bill come running and he looks at Pinetree and we saw that he has so many scratches and blood on the hands.

Bill POV (we don't have Bill's POV so often):

"BILL" I hear Peronica scream from my sweetheart's bathroom so I run to them and I saw that my love, a knife and he has blood on the hands so I pick him up and went into his bedroom that I can put him on the bed. Then I have summoned with my magic bandages and healing cream and then Peronica put Pinetree's quilted vest and t-shirt down that I could put the cream on the wounds and then that we can bandage his hands. I bandaged one arm and Peronica bandaged the other arm. When we finished than Peronica gets out of the room but I stayed and covered Pinetree with the bed cover. I was there fifty minutes that I cane make Pinetree a good dream then I was on my way out of the room but I whispered "I'm very excited for our alone time Pinetree" then I left.

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