''Just wait my little Pine-sweety we will be together very soon.''

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Bill POV:

As I was finished with the ritual then I said to Gideon and the guards that they can leaf, and they went to the Mystery shake. When they leave then Pyronica came to me and said ''hi boss I have a question'' ''What is it Pyronica'' I said little bord. ''we will question you who can come with you for your queen, our king''. She said really scared I saw her knees tremble with fear. I sight and say ''you all can come but no-one can hurt anyone. Is this the answer you wanted to hear?'' ''yes, master that's what we wanted to hear'' she bowed and left but before he was gone, I said '' how will come mast be in this room in one hour and the rest will wait until I come here with my lovely little sapling in my hands''. I said the last words a little louder than the others then she gets away. ''Just wait my little Pine-sweety we will be together very soon hahahahaha.''

At the Mystery shake:

3rd Person:

The doorbell rang and one old man opened the door and saw a little boy and nine men in black.

Fords View:

The doorbell rang and I opened the door and there were ten people. One was very small, and the others were big and in black clothes. ''Hello what are you doing here'' I ask then the little said'' hi I am Gideon, and I am here just because I have a question'' (wait is he not a symbol of the Cipher wheel)I thought to myself then I just nodded that he goes ahead with his question. ''Ok, I will just question you if we can stay here because my family and our house are destroyed and when it's now the weirdmageddon again? Please~. ''I said that they can come in and stay because we will need him for the Cipher wheel.

Dipper POV:

I and my sister Mabel were in the attic. Mabel was cuddling with Waddles on the bed and I was reading then when I was in the middle of a page there was a ring on the front door, but I ignored it then 10 minutes after the door rang, we heard footsteps go to the attic and then the door opened and there were Gideon, Great uncle Ford and nine men how to look like security men. ''Hello, my cute little princess and her nerdy brother'' Gideon said ''oh hi small pig who loves my sister, but she hates him'' I said with little giggles on my face.

(one and a half one hour later)

Ford called for a Familymeeting so we all were in the kitchen then Ford spoke'' As you all know it's the second weirdmageddon and that means that we are in big danger and you (pointed on me) are at the most danger because Bill will have you and I don't know why so Dipper you will stay here with Mabel, Gideon, and the guards'' ''and what will you do in the meantime'' I questioned. ''I and Stanley were going out and search for more people for the Cipher wheel and we will be out for maybe two hours and now go doing something other when I and Stan will pack things for the search route so-.." " get moving'' ford was interfused by Stanley. We all get doing something, but I don't have a good feeling from Gideon something was not right with him then he goes to them and said'' don't worry Gentlemen I and my security guards will watching over them.'' Then he got a wide weird smirk on his face.

Time Skip when the uncles get out the Shak:

''Goodbye uncles and good luck to find all the rest of the wheel'' we all shouted and waved to them as there got deeper into the forest. After 15 minutes I saw Gideon speak to the seven guards something but I couldn't hear what he said to them but I have a very bad feeling about it so I ran fast back to the attic but before I can go up stares someone grabs my hand and put me close to his chest. When I look up It was the 8th guard then he brought me to the kitchen then he spoke'' hey boss the boy has heard your conversion and want to run away '' ''w...wait I haven't heard anything I was here just for some water to drink'' '' Oh pour Dipper, ok I think it's time for you to wait for our special guest. You four give him into the living room and don't let him escape before our special guest will come here''. (what guest is he talking about) I was thinking to myself when the four men walked with me into the living room.

Out of the Shak, before the barrier was undone:

Guard 9 POV:

I was outside to undo the barrier that the demon can come into the Shak for the boy. So I tore the unicorn hair from the house ''Ok and it's done phh~''

''Ohh~ hi their meat sack I am here for mine property"

thank you so much for 500+ viewers 😊😊

I have worked on this story for six days and I have also school so you must wait for the next chapter a litter longer. sorry

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