my second and last attempted to escape

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(After two days from the last chapter)

Dipper POV:

I woked up and I saw that I don't have my t-shirt and my vest on my body but I saw that I have lots of bandages on my arms. Then I heard two voice I think it was Peronica and Bill but about what are they speaking (maybe how to kill my family or about what should they try to give me a slow death that they have some fun) I thought to myself but then I hear a voice said "Oh I am a little hurt Pinetree that you think so about me but to now to the subject, I hope that we will have fun together for a whole week. But first, let me help you to bath because you are here for more than a week soo" Then he picks me up and we walked into the bathroom but then it hit me (did he say that he will bathe with me. Oh hell no please good don't let him do that I begged you please I don't want that he sees me naked) "Pinetree why will you not let my see your beautiful body and don't worry we will do sex when you're on the right age but now let my ask you will you just under a shower or will you bathed in the bath ore we can make a milk bathe in my secret Swimmingroom." (what he has a secret Swimmingroom WTF) " Pinetree please stop to think you think too much that you give me a headache just speak to me I will not hurt you so what do you take" "I think that I will take the last thing the baht in the secret Swimmingroom please." I said the last word with a little scared voice. "oh I thoughted that you will pick the milk bath so it's already ready so let's go." Then he picks me up in brighed style and we teleported in the secret Swimmingroom.

secret Swimmingroom

secret Swimmingroom

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Milk bath

{there is water in this picture but it should be milk so think that the water is milk}

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{there is water in this picture but it should be milk so think that the water is milk}

''WOW this place is amazing ''I know that you would love this Pinetree but we don't want the milk gets cold so-" Bill snap with his fingers and I was naked I just have my boxers on."BILL WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES" I litter scream at him then his face gets close to my and then Bill licks my ear and said "you don't need then now and don't worry I will bring you neu cloths so now let's go in should we" then he streak out his hand and I take it then we fast-walked to the stairs then we went into the warm milk. When we were in the milk after five minutes Bill clap with his hands and some women-servants came with soap, shampoo and hair conditioner then Bill pick the soap and wash full my body with it when he was finished then two women came with four buckets with water in it and they poured it on my body that was done too by the shampoo then be the hair conditioner but when I have it (the hair conditioner) on my hair we waited fifty minutes then the four women came with next four buckets with water [the full time I was silent]. Then when all was done Bill put me out and there were six women-servants and they give us bathrobes:

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