I see you all again

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* Sorry for not updating soon but I am a litten out of ideas but now to the next chapter*

" Your so cute Pinetree," I said. Then I bite his neck and he screams and falls asleep because my mark is raised on Pinetree's back.

The next morning:

Dipper POV:

I woke up and I felt something on my back then I tried to get up but something no someone pushes me more to his body then I saw Bill and my face heat a little up. I tried to get out of his grip, but he struck it every time I moved. So I tried to scream to wake him up and it worked.''Ahhh~ Pinetree what is going on has someone hurting you I will kill him if he did!'' ''no Bill nobody is hurting me but I will just go to the bathroom to get ready and so I tried to wake you up because you don't let go of me. I am sooo~ sorry.'' ''don't be sorry Pinetree now here you go. I will wait for you in the throne room okay?'' ''Okay so see you soon Bill'' and when I was in the bathroom it was a little as my but it was gold and white but my bathroom has gold and blue. Then I took a bath and when I was done I got to the sink and I saw a mark on my back it look a little like the cipher wheel then I remember Bills words: ("Pin-Dipper I have a question can I mark you that I know when you are in danger that you don't get killed or something like that please~") 'so that is the mark he meant' I thought to myself then I found my old clothes in front of the door and changed into them and go out from the bathroom and out of Bill's room to the throne room there stand Bill in his beautiful human body and equally beautiful clothes. 

3rd person:

The domen look at the little boy with a smirk and spoke '' are you ready Pinetree'' ''yes Bill I am'' then they fly out of the Fearmaid. ''Bill I can't grasp you let me see my family'' '' I want to see you happen Pinetree I hate it when you are not happy but I will not let you be alone I will be there too'' ''WHAT but what if they tray t-'' Bill put two fingers in front of Dipper's mouth and stayed ''don't worry Pinetree I will stand by your side so don't worry'' the young boy hope that  Bill wouldn't get killed he doesn't know why he cares but he thinks he felt into love with Bill he is soo sweet and Bill give him much attention.

At the Mystery hack (S falls down to the ground):

This was it. Bill and I were standing in front of the door to the mystery shack. I was really nervous but knocked anyway. We waited for about a minute and there was still no answer causing me to get even more nervous.

'It's okay Pinetree just take a deep breath'

"What was that?! You just talked but you didn't say anything!"

'I can talk to you telepathy now remember?'

'O right! I forgot this is cool!'

Before I could say anything else the door opened and there stood Grunkle Stan. He was about to yell about how early it was but once he saw me he just stood there with his mouth open.

"D-dipper? Is that really you dipper?" He asked as tears began to form in his eyes. He grabbed me and pulled me tightly into a hug.

"Yeah, it's me, Gruncel. I missed you too."

"I thought you were dead or being tortured! Mable called us and told us that Bill took you and all other things that happened that day"

"I'm okay really!" I say to them and then I pulled away from the hug then they saw Bill behind me.

"BILL!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Stan yelled as he pulled out some weird gun and pointed it at him.

''Wait!!! Stop! It's okay! Bill hasn't hurt me in any way! He actually is nice to me he gives me attention, books, and other things that I need and love" I quickly yelled stepping in front of him.

"What do you mean he is nice to you? " Stan said yelling/questing and then Ford push Stan to the side and put two guns out and pointed it on Bill and say/yell ''Dipper?! Dipper you're okay!" He said pulling me into a hug after dropping his guns. "We've all been worried sick! We've been planning to find a way to kill Bill again and bring you back!" 

"I think we better step inside and talk about this," I said then we got inside and seat in the kitchen on the table(near kitchen lines: Bill and Dipper and on the opposite side Stan, Ford, Mabel, and all the others from the Cipher Wheel)

Taken by a Cipher*Adopted* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now