''We are together now, and I don't let you go away my sweetheart.''

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Guard 9 POV:

I was outside to undo the barrier that the demon can come into the Shak for the boy.so I tore the unicorn hair from the house ''Ok and it's done phh~'' ''Ohh~ hi their meat sack I am here for mine property''


''Mr. Cipher we're glad that you have come so hurriedly I will get Gideon for you when you allow'' then I bowed.

'' ok but hurry up or it will not end god for you'' then I run into the house for Gideon.

Bill view (after the guard left):

''Ahh Pyronica have you the bubble for Gideon and shooting star'' ''Yes, Master but why do we don't eat them that Pinetree can be all yours?'' ''Because I don't want my Sapling to hate me and by the way, at this time you aren't allowed to kill, harm the Town people or play games that can kill the town people.'' When I was done then we saw Gideon come out of the building coming to me and said'' Bill your queen is waiting for you but don't worry we didn't harm him but can we please do the thing with my love Mabel first please'' ''Ok Gideon and look here it's your and shooting star bubble''

'' When I was done then we saw Gideon come out of the building coming to me and said'' Bill your queen is waiting for you but don't worry we didn't harm him but can we please do the thing with my love Mabel first please'' ''Ok Gideon and look here...

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{Mabel and Gideon bubble (I did it by myself) }

''Wow it's beautiful thanks Bill'' ''no problem kid and now come I need to do something to Shooting star so come on''

Dipper view(before Bill come to the Shak):

The men took me into the living room two of the four were in the room with me and the other two were on the other side of the door so there is no escape. I was there five minutes I was so scared of what will be happening to Mabel I can just cry and then Gideon come into the room. ''ohh~ our beauty was crying but we don't want to see Bill you as this mess so''(snap) then it hit my (WHAT BILL) but before I could speak then one guard from the door come near me and wiped my eyes for the tears. '' ahh now you look beautiful again he will be very happy to have you and I will be happy with your sister as me queen hahahahaha~'' ''what are you talking about. Bill can't come here we have a barrier around the house'' ''ah that think it's undone s-'' he couldn't finish the sentence wile there come a man in the room and said that Gideon should come outside that Bill is waiting for him at that moment I was so scared (what will happen to me and what will happen to all the other people in the house) I was thinking. ''Ok, I am coming. Sorry Mr. Pines but I have to go before Bill get angry so bye~'' then he walked out of the room and it was just me and the guards I was back in a corner and was crying but when I was crying again a guard comes near me and wiped my eyes from the tears and sat next to me and said some words that I can calm down but it didn't help much so he keeps speaking until I don't cry.

(one-half hour later)

I was there so around a one-half hour then the door opened and there stand Bill Cipher in his human form. ''GET OUT AND LET ME AND MY LOVE ALONE'' then they ran out of the room and closed the door. ''B...bill'' I ask scared and shaking '' Ohh Pinetree I have waited so long to be with you alone'' when he said those words he licks his lips '' wh..what do you...want from me Bill'' I said more shaking ''oh Pinetree don't be scared I will not harm you or your family I am just here to bring you home but I see that you need some sleep but don't worry I will carry you to our home so good night mine little Sapling'' then all I know is that my eyes were heavy and then black.

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