There wanted what!!!!

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At the Mystery Shack:

(five minutes from Bill and Dipper teleported to the Fearmaid)

Mabel POV: 

When I came back into the shack then I saw uncles in the kitchen with a paper in the hand.

''Hi sweetheart '' ''what's going on here why are you looking so sad?'' ''It's about Dipper'' ''WHAT IS WITH BRO BRO!!'' *Stan and Ford sights and handled Mabel the paper* 

(Picture = the note from Bill {I made it myself sorry, that there are mistakes})

(Picture = the note from Bill {I made it myself sorry, that there are mistakes})

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At the Fearmaid:

(after Bill teleported him and Pinetree there )

Bill POV:

Pinetree was crying and wanted to get out of my grip but I don't want to let him go he got almost killed by them. ''Shh~ shh~ it's okay Pinetree I am here for you'' I whispered into his ear and rob his back to claim him down. Then I feel that he fall asleep in my grip. So I took him bridal style to his room and lead him down and give a small kiss on his forehead '' don't worry my love I will never let someone hurt you'' then I went to the door but before I could take the doorknob I hear him whimpering in the bed he has to 100% a nightmare. 'I must go into his mind and help him with the nightmare ' I thought to myself and so I went into his mind.

In the dream

 Dipper POV:

I was in a clearing but then I was in one of my bad memory of the basement, it was dark and scary. I saw my dad and my mom were in front of me. I was covered in blood and has many scars. this memory was one week after weirdmageddon when Mabel told mum and dad everything that happened that summer (about: Norman the gnomes, Mermando the merman, Gideon, weirdmageddon and more)and that's why my parents have hurt me. I remember this day to god I scream and cried then I saw Bill behind them he looked very angry and then blue fire surrounded them two (Mister and Miss Pines) and then there were gone. Bill ran to me and say/yell '' PINETREE!! ....... ARE YOU OK '' Bill then say that everything will be ok and then I woke up. 

The basement from Dipper's dream

The basement from Dipper's dream

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I am sooooooooooooooooo~ sorry that I didn't update so long and I have information for you all : '' I am sorry but in this book will be not sex I am sooo~ sorry''


😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘😘😘

and as Bill Cipher always say:

Reality is an illusion, the universe

is a hologram, buy gold, bye~

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