I can't believe it

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in this chapter are not Dipper's and Mabel's parents there. 

B=Bill; D=Dipper; M=Mabel; S=Stan;  F=Ford; G=Gideon; S=Soos; P= Pacifica; O=Others (all peoplefrom the Cipher wheel without Dipper);  .../....=two people; *......*=doing


D: Can you please put the guns down

S/F: Fine *put the guns on the floor*

D/B: Thank you

F: So Dipper can you please tell us what did you mean by ''Bill is nice to you''

D: it's how I say it Bill give me a lot of attention, build a library with lots of books, and other things that I need and love and I think that he changed.

O: * 😱 * and thought 'WT# is going on'

M/P: So that means that you're dating him Dipper?

D: I don't know yet-*interpret from Bill*

B:*interpret Dipper*-but maybe soon 

F/S: Shut up Demon. 

M: Ok so I have a question for you Bill

B: Go on Shooting star

M: *sigh* Why have you let Dipper to see us don't take it wrong but why

B: it's because I hate it when Pinetree is unhappy, it's his Birthdays wish and it breaks my heart when I see him like that

F: but you don't have a heart

B: yes I have one Sixer because I am in my Human form now

M: soooooo~ how long can Dipper stay?

B: a whole week but if something bad will happen then I am taking him back to the Fearmaid

(from now normal in POV)

five days later:

Mabel POV:

I am so happy that I can see Dipper again its been already four days but we have so much fun and I see that Bill really love my brother. If you ask me I have to give Bill a second chance and I hope that my new ship will be sealed soon (the billdip ship). but today should our parents came to see us I am very excited and I hope bro bro is too.

Bill POV:

I have read Shooting star's thoughts and I find out that Miss and Mister Pines are coming here and I could feel them soo I said it to Frez and Shooting star. Shooting star jumped up and down from joy but I don't have a good feeling.

one hour later:

3th Persone:

Miss and Mister Pines arrived and say hi to Stan, Ford and Mabel then they stop by Dipperand give him hate-face but then they saw Bill ''hallo my I ask your name Jung man''Miss Pines quested the blond man ''I am Bill Cipher but you know me already'' '' wait!!,  your the demon who we summoned''Miss and Mister Pines say. ''hold up, you what!!'' Ford yelled at the two in shock. 

Dipper's and Mabel's Parents

Dipper's and Mabel's Parents

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at 5 pm:

ford and stan were out and Mabel was by Candy and Grenda so that means that Bill, Dipper and the parents were at the shack alone.

Mister Pines POV:

''My love you know that we must do it now'' ''yes let's do it now'' I took a knife and my wife took a baseball bat in the hand and go to the room where our mistake Mason was asleep. when we were there we saw that the Demon is sleeping with Mason but when we want to attack him(Dipper) the Demon pinned us to the wall and then we saw the mistake was awoken.

Dipper POV: 

I hear sounds and when I seat up then I saw Bill holding my parents chained to the wall and I saw a knife and a baseball bat on the floor but Bill brought me from my shock state. '' Pinetree we mast go I will tell you later why'' he says with a little anger in his voice and with that, he took my hand and teleport to the Fearmaid.

Hi, guys I am very very very sorry that you must wait soooooooo~ long for an update I work on this book at school on Thursday and today from 20:15 to 21:20 but I work at home the most on this chapter for two months. 


😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘😘😘

and as Bill Cipher always say: 

Reality is an illusion, the universe

is a hologram, buy gold, bye~

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