1st attempted to escape

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the chapter before: "WTF IS HIS PLAN. While is hi so nice and did he say that I can go free around the Fearmaid." I think and then I think again"wait so that means I can run away but I need a plan first"


Peronica POV:

I have done for Bill's Sapling food and when it was done I got to Sapling's room, I knock on the door but there was no response so I opened the door but very slowly then I saw him, his eyes were so red and there was coming water from his eyes and I think (humans they call it crying)

I sit next tho him and put him close to me and I pet his hair that he clams down. ''shh its ok sapling it's all okay you should go back to sleep'' then he said ''I...I ca....can't go t..to sle..sleep w..wha..t would Bill do..t..to my'' I was little shooked what he said so I laid him down next to my chest and with telepathy I said to Bill that he should come here as fast he can because something is with Pinetree and I don't know what.

After two minutes Bill came with a run into the room and sit next to him and speak a spell and then Pinetree was sleeping.

Bills POV:

When Peronica said to me over telepathy that my sweetheart isn't good I flout into the Fearmaid and run to Pintree's room and got in and I sit next to him I could feel that he has so much fear about his family and the most about Shooting star so I put a spell on him that he get some sleep. Then I and Peronica got to the Throneroom and all my Hechmaniacs waited there for me to say what is going on in Shooting star's and Gideon's bubble that it wobbles too much. Then I said'' Shooting star has found out that she and Gideon are in a bubble and she will get out there as fast it can be sooooo~ year, she trains all that she can. She tried twenty-seven times said that all this is fack but nothing happened so she tries with something sharp for two hours to break out, and she said that she will try it until she will be free'' I and all my Hechmaniacs just laugh maybe for two minutes.


Dipper POV: 

I heard a loud sound so I stand up and then I heard Bill said something about my sibling ( his other half) Mabel. (I must find a way out of here and find her) I thought to my self so then I heard footsteps I knew the footsteps there are from Bill's friends then I saw that they have left'' now or never'' I run to the big triangle form hole in the wall and I saw gravity falls (I am free I can't believe that Bill wouldn't stop me and I need to go fast to the Mystery Shak to see my family and the most, that I will see my other half again). Then I take some deep breaths and then jumped then a black hole where one meter of the ground and then all I remember is all went black.

(After twenty minutes )

I woke up and I feel arms around my body. One arm pet my head and the other hand was pulling me into the chest of someone I think. I look around and I saw that I was on the throne and that the arms are from Bill as fast as I know who is holding me, I pushed back but I didn't notice that I was on the edge of the throne so I felt down but Bill grabs me before my face facing the ground. ''ts-ts-ts  Pinetree we don't want your face get look bloody or do we. No, we don't want our queen get hurt and I am 100% sure you wouldn't want this either soo I will bring you to your room''. Then he grabs me but I tried to get off his grab and scram at him'' LET MY GO BILL. I WILL BE WITH, MY FAMILY, NOT WITH YOU. YOU FU-KING DORITO'' he didn't answer but we were before my room door. Bill opened the door and lead me on the bed and kiss my forehead and walked away before I could to come back from that shock that he kissed my forehead.

Bill POV (after the loud sound):

Then we all hear a loud sound and I said '' I know whats going on. Sixer try to the freed Shooting star and Gideon'' ''should we go for then Boss'' '' no let them go be free, but on of you will go to check on them and then how is watching will be exchanged after two hours with another from you''. I said a little too loud that I feel that my love is awake then I said ''That they shouldn't come near the Fearmaid and to my Pinetree'' then all bowed and left I feel that someone was watching and I was very interest where is it so I snap whit my fingers and I was invisible that nobody can't see me. Then I saw a small figure and it was my sweet-Sapling. (Oh, he tried to escape how cute, but I know that he will try sooner or later. So I up a spell on the Fearmaid that when he tried to escape so he will be teleport in two places,  he will be teleported on the throne but that's just when I am in the throne room, but when I am outside he will be teleported in his room.) I think to myself with a little giggle on my face then I hear his though ''(I am free I can't believe that Bill wouldn't stop me and I need to go fast to the Mystery Shak to see my family and the most, that I will see my other half again.) (just try it Pinetree) I thought and then I saw him jump then he was on the throne laying on my so I got visible again and with my one arm I pet his head and with the other, I put him more into my chest.

(After twenty minutes )

he woke up and look at my arms in shock he then fast as I know he pushed back and felt down but I grab him before his face facet the ground. ''ts-ts-ts Pinetree we don't want your face get look bloody or do we. No, we don't want our queen get hurt and I am 100% sure you wouldn't want this either soo I will bring you to your room''. After I say it, I grab him but he tried to get off my grab and scram at me'' LET MY GO BILL. I WILL BE WITH, MY FAMILY, NOT WITH YOU. YOU FU-KING DORITO'' I didn't answer but then we were before his room door. So I opened the door and lead him on the bed and kiss his forehead and then I walked away again to the throne room.

(at Dipper's room)

3th Persone:

The boy stands up and gives his foot near his chest and cried

This is all for this chapter next chapter will be a little from the other Family members.

So see you all in the next chapter  😘😘😘😘😘

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