Namjin (pregnant)

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Jin was rubbing his 9months belly, he knows he can go on labour any minute now. and groan when he felt his baby kicked him again

He was alone with Yoongi and Jimin who his also kids

Yoongi is 8 while Jimin is 5

He look at Yoongi who's playing with his little brother, while Jimin is clapping and laughing

He smiled at the view, Yoongi really love his little brother, he always protect him so he is sure he will also protect the other twins in his belly

"Eomma!" Jimin squealed while running to him while Yoongi is acting like a monster

"Rawr! This monster will eat you" Yoongi said while Jimin his beside his mother

Yoongi was about to get Jimin but they heard a pop and their eomma is whimpering

"Eomma, what's happening?" Yoongi looked so worried "c-call Appa Joon" Jin said and Yoongi dialed his father's number and after 2rings he answer

"Hey Yoon-"

"Appa!Eommaisinlabourtodayyouneedtogoherefast!" Yoongi literally rap but his appa didn't understand


"You fucking moron! Kim Namjoon I'm in labour now!" Jin yelled and Namjoon literally pack his things very fast and drive his car

"Yoonie, c-call Uncle Hobi for me please" Jin ask Yoongi and Yoongi run outside, looking for his uncle who's a doctor

He barged inside without knocking and hell he saw his uncle kissing with a boy

"Uncle!" They stop kissing and Hoseok bring Felix off his lap "what?" He ask Yoongi "eomma is in labour!" He said and now Hoseok is panicking, getting his stuff and run to Jin's place which is 5house away

When he entered the gate, Namjoon already park his car and they run to Jin

Namjoon got the bag full of supplies he need, they make Jin lay

"okay Jin you need to push, ready?" Jin nodded and Namjoon held his hands while Jin was crushing Namjoon's Hands

"Okay push!" Jin pushed so hard while Yoongi and Jimin watch, Jimin tearing up seeing his eomma like that

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Jin breath again and continues to push

30 minutes had pass and Little boy was out and then another 30minutes the other one was pushed by a tired Jin

Hoseok clean the babies and wrap then in a warm baby blanket

"What will u name them?" Jin smiled weak "The first one is Kim Taehyung and the last is Kim Jungkook" He said

Jimin and Yoongi walk towards their parents who's holding their younger brothers

"Eo-eomma?" Jimin called and Jin look at him and respond with a hum "I'm... I'm not your baby anymore?" Jimin sniffles and Jin cooed "baby, you and your older brother are also my baby, not only Taehyung and Jungkook" Jin smiled

Not until the two start crying "aww, want some milk?" Jin lifted his shirt and start breastfeeding the two

"Okay, I'mma leave y'all now, Felix are waiting" Hoseok said and he bid his goodbye

"Well" Namjoon groan a bit "kids, now go take a nap" The two nodded and take their nap in their shared room

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