NamJin ft Taeh and Kook (Jealousy)

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As Jin stepped inside his and his husband's home, his older son Jungkook came up to him, running and shouted a 'eomma!' And hugged his legs

Jin almost stumble if it weren't for Namjoon standing behind him and held him for him not to fall

"Careful babe" Namjoon said before looking at the 5 year old boy who look up at them

Jin smile softly at Jungkook "Honey Koo, you can't run around the house" Jin said with a soft voice

"But Eomma! It's been a week since you're inside the hospital! I missed you and uncle Yoongi is boring" the boy said making Jin chuckle

"Oh really?" Jin asked as he continues to walk to the living room while Jungkook keeps talking

"Yeah! He is boring, he don't want to play saying that he's tired.. But at least his boyfriend, uncle Chim came and play with me" Jungkook said then Jin sat down on the sofa, a new born baby still on his arms, eyes staring at the baby

Jungkook's eyes landed on the baby and tilted his head

"Is that Baby Bear?" Jungkook asked

Jin look up at Jungkook and nodded and look at baby Taehyung

"Oh... I thought he'll stay on your tummy forever" that comment made Namjoon and Jin laugh softly

Namjoon then sat down beside Jin, arms wrap around Jin as eyes look at Jungkook's innocent one

"Bubs, baby bear can't stay at Eomma's tummy forever" Namjoon said


"Because baby bear will have a life future ahead, he'll go to school, and have a job and will met someone that will love him till his old" Namjoon explain

"And you too, you'll go to school, then will have a job and grow old with someone you love" Namjoon added

Jungkook pouted as he run to his father and hugged him, head laying on Namjoon's lap "but Appa! I want to grow old with you and eomma!"

"That's impossible bubs" Jin commented then baby Taehyung starts crying

"Aww, is my baby hungry??" Jin asked as he slowly lift his shirt revealing his pink buds which has some milk leaking out

He slowly guided baby Taehyung for him to go and drink the milk he's producing and sigh as Taehyung start sucking

Jungkook's eyebrows frown "why is he sucking Eomma's titties?" Jungkook again asked

Namjoon chuckled as Jin lays his back comfortably and close his eyes

"Well, because eomma is producing milk from his titties" Namjoon explained

"Oh.. Does he put some milk powder and put water on his titties?" Jungkook question made his two parents chuckle again

"No bubs, it comes naturally" Namjoon said



5 weeks later

Jungkook is furious, at first he let it all happen, but he can't take it anymore

For those whole 5 weeks, his parents only look after for his younger brother Taehyung

Like the first 3 days, Jungkook asked Jin if they can play, his eomma never says no to him when it comes to playing but... That time Jin told Jungkook that he needs to look after Taehyung

Jungkook understood

The next 4 days, he asked his father if they can go out but he answered him that him, Jin and Taehyung will go for a check up

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