Jikook (Cat Hybrid)

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Author's POV

Jimin purr at Jungkook's touch "who's my pretty baby?" Jimin blushed at what his owner slash boyfriend "me" He said shyly while Jungkook pinch his little red nose

"Kookie, my belly is so big" Jimin pouted, Jimin is in his 6months pregnancy "it's because you are having a twins" Yes Jimin is having a twins and both boys "what if I became a bad mom, what wi-" Jungkook stop Jimin and look at him with a stern but still soft look

"Kitten, how many times do I have to tell you? You are going to be a good mom to our babies" Jimin sniffles and hug Jungkook tight "I love you" Jungkook smiled at what his baby said "I love you too kitten"

3 months later~

Jimin and his babies, JiGeum and Jungmin are finally can leave the hospital

Their friends welcome them, Jimin's friend Jin (Dog hybrid) with his Husband Yoongi, Taehyung (Tiger hybrid) with his boyfriend Hoseok and Namjoon (Koala hybrid) bruh whatever ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ with his Boyfriend Chan welcome them

Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok cook the food while the others help preparing

Jimin almost cried seeing his friends efforts "thank you guys!" Jimin cried "Uwu Jimin! Lemme see my grandchildren!" Jin said and look at the twins "Jimin! Don't ask me If your kids are gone, they are so cute!" Jin cooed and Jungkook rolled his eyes "well! I....go away, go make your baby with Yoongi" Jungkook said while Jin run to Yoongi

"I also want a baby Yoongles" Jin pouted and Yoongi kissed those pouty lips "Later baby" He said and Jin jump on Yoongi's lap "so we aren't eating?" Taehyung ask plate on his hands

"Let's eat it!!!!" Jungkook said and they all eat

After eating Their friends help Jungkook to clean the mess while Jimin put their baby to sleep

After 2hours the others left the two and Jungkook walk upstairs and go to their babies nursery

When he saw his kitten with his kitties he instantly smiled and walk toward Jimin who now sleeping

He kissed Jimin forehead "I love you Kitten" He whisper and sat on the small couch, looking at his babies till he fall asleep

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