Sun and Moon (YoonMin)

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When the Sun is up, the moon is down
Sun let himself die so that Moon can shine when its night time
Moon also do that so that Sun can shine so brightly when its day time
Both are very important to earth and every earth living being 

Jimin, the Sun God who always waits for the moon to come out every dawn, hoping they can see each other

Yoongi, the Moon God who also waits for his sun to appear at the sky at dawn

"I wonder how is he" he mumble to himself As he waits at night for his sun to appear

Tomorrow, he can see his sun at March 09 2016, they can be together even its just for 7 minutes, he miss his sun so badly 

"I wonder how is my moon doing" Jimin ask himself as he look at the moon far away "And I also wonder how is our soulmates doing?" He again ask himself as he look down at earth 

Suga and Little Minnie, both we're chosen by the Sun and Moon God to be their Human form, both soulmates

Suga's birthday is tomorrow and that's also the day Jimin the Sun God and Yoongi the Moon God to be with each other for 7 minutes

"Sugar Sugar!!! Tomowwow ish your birftay!" Minnie said as he sat on Suga's lap "I know love" Suga then kissed Minnie's forehead caressing the younger's cheeks 

"I love you so much my sun" Suga said as he hug Minnie tightly "I wuv you too Moon!"

next day March 09 2016

"happy birftay to chuu!" Minnie sang with his friends JungKook, Tete, Jinnie, NamJoon and Hoseok

"Aww, thank you very much love"Suga said and open his arms for Minnie

Minnie instantly jump on Suga and kissed his boyfriend/ caregiver's cheeks

"Okay, so I'mma say about my thoughts and wished for Suga hyung, well I want you to be healthy always and love Minnie more than Holly" NamJoon said 

"I wish dat Uncwe Suga will wer pink!" Jinnie said

"I wish dat uncwe Suga will cuddwe me back!" Tete said 

"well, Uhm hyung I wish that you'll have a long life" JungKook said 

"I wish Sope will do collaboration again!" Hoseok said 

Then they all look at Minnie

"You know" Minnie said in a whisper

"I know" Yoongi replied with a smile on his face

"Okay okay! We'll leave you two alone and head to the dining room to eat" NamJoon said as they all walk out of the couple's shared bedroom

When the others are gone they stayed at that position for 10 minutes not until Minnie kissed Suga's lips

"I wuv you so much Sugar!" 

"I love you more, now let's go to the dining table to eat" Minnie cheers up and stand up

"Come on wets eat!" Minnie said as he pull Suga downstairs

When the eclipse started, Yoongi ready's himself to meet his sun and when the moon and Sun became almost one Jimin and Yoongi jump to each other and hug each other

"I miss you so much my love" Yoongi said as he burries his face on Jimin's neck 

"I miss you more" Jimin said as they both stayed in each other's warmth 

5 minutes had passed and they only have 2 minutes left 

Yoongi noticed the time and kissed Jimin passionately 

Jimin kissed back, holding Yoongi's slim waist caressing his cheeks 

"I. Love. You. So. Much" Jimin said in every peck he gave to Yoongi 

"I love you more my sun, please stay with me"  Yoongi pleaded "we can't. But we will see each other again soon right?" Jimin said as he kissed Yoongi's forehead

and that made Yoongi tear up "P-please, I can't stay alone for years again, please stay by my side" Yoongi said then the moon starts to move meaning they only have 1 minute before they need to separate ways again

"One day we will be together, I promise you that" Jimin said as he feels like he was being pull by the sun


"I promise" Jimin said as he felt himself being pull away from his lover

"We will meet again! I love you so much!" Jimin said as he look at his lover being pulled by the moon

"I love you too!" Then the eclipse was over Yoongi is crying, a sobbing mess while Jimin looks at his moon 

"We will meet again, and we'll see each other again" Jimin mumbled as he starts crying

"Wow the exipse aw so naish!" Minnie said as he jump up and down

"It sure is, I hope Moon and Sun had a wonderful time seeing each other" Suga says as he hug Minnie from behind 

"They will see each other again soon" Suga mumbled and look at the sky 

Heyy! I'm sorry if I didn't update anything for days?? Weeks?? BTW here ya go! 

Happy pride month too! 👬🌈👭

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