pretty (YoonMin) part3

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"where have you been?!" A loud booming voice echoes around the Min's house

Yoongi starts fiddling with his fingers and didn't answer making his father angrier and slap his son

"Fucking answer me you fucking whore!"

Yoongi close his eyes making his tears fall off his eyes and that made his father growl 

His father grab his collar and start beating him


Next day

"Jiminie~ I got you something" Taehyung pop out of Jimin's way and shoved Jimin a box of chocolate

Jimin looked at the box and tilt his head to the side "what's that for?" 

Taehyung blushed when Jimin hold the box 

The boy immediately held Jimin's arms, hugging it tightly and both started to walk through the hallways

"Gift for you because I didn't show up at your first day here" Taehyung said then lay his head on Jimin's shoulder

"Oh... that's fine-"

"I heard you got bullied by Yoongi" Taehyung suddenly bring that up making Jimin stopped walking making Taehyung worried

Taehyung held Jimin's cheeks "where did he hurt yo-"

"Wanna share?" Jimin changed the topic and showed Taehyung the box of chocolate he gave Jimin

Taehyung smiled and nodded 



"Did he touch you?" Jin asked worriedly 

Yoongi came to school full of bruises and before he can enter school, he messaged his friends to get him and take him to the rooftop

Jin, Jungkook and Hoseok already know the drill 

Hoseok always bring a towel, you know to hide Yoongi's face while Jin always has a first aid kit while JungKook has food to give Yoongi

When his father beat Yoongi he never feed Yoongi 

The most worst beating is that when Yoongi refused to have sex with his father and his father locked him up on the cold basement without food and water

"No, at least he didn't touch me" Yoongi said in a weak voice as Jin and Hoseok treats his wound

Hoseok putting some ice pack on Yoongi's bruises while Jin treats its wound

"Hyung, this is too much" Jungkook said annoyed 

"I think you should at least tell it to your mo-"

"No" Yoongi replied and hiss when Hoseok accidentally pressed the ice pack on his bruise a bit harder 

"Sorry" Hoseok apologized immediately and pout 

He can't bear to see the person he likes for almost 3 years like this

Hoseok has a feelings for Yoongi.... But he never confessed, afraid of Yoongi might reject him

Yoongi... even tho he's friends with them, he's still pretty cold with them and that's one of the reason Hoseok wants to just ignore his feelings for the older

"Hyung, Should we report your father to the police?" Hoseok suggested 

Yoongi shake his head "Don't say anything" Yoongi said in a low raspy voice

Hoseok sigh and nods 


3 weeks later

Jimin feel weird around Taehyung lately

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