crab (Namkook) part2

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"so, the kid loves alive crabs" the male sitting on his 'throne' again asked

"yes sir, I think that's the way we can lure him in and kill JK" his assistant said

"go and buy alive crabs, and do your thing"

"yes sir"


"Daddy, why can't Joonie go with chu?" Namjoon again asked for the nth time, sulking because Jungkook doesn't want to bring him to his work

"cause you'll just get bored in Daddy's work" Jungkook again reasoned but Namjoon just dramatically fall on the bed with a loud sigh "but I want to go" Namjoon said and roll over then sat up

"Please? I'll be a good boy! and.. and I want to see JiEun Noona~" Namjoon pleaded as he lays his head on Jungkook's lap who's tying his shoes but sat straight when the little lays his head on his lap

"Please?" Namjoon showed him his puppy face making Jungkook weak

"fine, but I don't want you to run around, and always stay with uncles. Okay?" Namjoon smiled and sat up and hugged Jungkook "thank you daddy!!"


Jungkook is currently on a meeting 

Jungkook is a CEO too, and being JK is fun too. But he don't want to waste his father's work and achievement  

Namjoon is walking around with Jimin behind him 

then Jimin saw a mistake around the corner of the building then make sure to call out Namjoon first "Joon! don't wander too far" Jimin said and Namjoon nodded



as Namjoon is almost at the back of the company door, he saw a basket

of course being the curious baby he is he look at it and saw a crab and a letter

"can u wook for more my cwabs fwiends?" Namjoon read out loud and look around and saw another crab

he then carry the basket carefully and walk to the crab

and saw another 

and another 

and another 







"gotcha!" suddenly a man came out behind the poll and grab Namjoon's arms

Namjoon gasp and held onto the basket tightly "who are u?!" Namjoon asked but the man just pull him away from the door

Namjoon tries to push the man's hand away but the man held him tighter 

"let go of me!" Namjoon cried and tried to his best but the man got annoyed and slap Namjoon making Namjoon stop "you fucker" The man grumble and push the little inside a van

"Namjoon!" Jimin suddenly came from the door and saw Namjoon being pushed inside it

"oi! let him go!" Jimin shouted and ran but the man entered too, shut the door and it drive away 

Jimin panted as he look at the plate 

'009 SYW 31' Jimin makes sure to remember that and run inside the building

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