Twenty One "Part 2"

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She scrunched up her nose, peering down at the rich colour of her rum and coke mix. Her skintight dress restricted her from a lot of movement, so therefore, she had been forced to stay seated at the bar. If she had her choice, she would be in her comfy clothes, tucked into her ex-landlords dingy sofa with a glass of wine.

But when she looked over at Marco, in a crowd of people—laughing and whatnot, she reminded herself that this was much better than the rundown motel.

"You know you're really starting to sell me on that drink with the way you've been glaring at it for the past ten minutes."

The voice was male, and there was an accent. French. Amused.

Her ears were still adjusting to the loud atmosphere, turning around she faced the source head on. That was when her dark eyes dilated and the stuttering fell onto her tongue.

Holy shi-

"Gosh, have you been waiting for me to be done this whole time?" this was probably the least most intelligent thing Rika has ever said in her life.

She didn't know what else to say to the famous actor, to be completely honest, this situation is exactly what she had been dreading.

Wispy brown curls and a charming tight-lipped smile could have any girl weak at the knees, it was a good thing she was sitting down otherwise she was certain she would have buckled at his familiar voice. Talon Augustin was standing in-front of her, the Talon Augustin, dressed in a dark grey suit that fitted him perfectly.

Giving him an apologetic look, she started to push her chair back to give up her seat. "Sorry, let me just collect my things and I'll be out of your way."

He took a good look at her, icy-blue eyes dragging over her striking features before he laughed a melodic laugh. "No, please. By all means, stay." He motioned towards the empty barstool besides her, shrugging off his suit blazer, he folded it up and placed it on top of the counter. "I had no idea I could be that disturbing for you to be running out on me already, I haven't even gotten your name yet."

She stayed still as she roamed her eyes over his crisp white shirt, making note that the shirt had no creases whatsoever. He sat down, a flashy watch glued to his tanned wrist.

His words make her bloom with embarrassment, a timid laugh leaving her. "No!" She rushed out, shaking her head. "You're, um, you're not disturbing me, and my name is Rika."

"Hm, so she hates rum and coke and has a beautiful name too? I think we'll get along just fine." he flashed a toothy grin her way, "I'm Talon."

Rika's cheeks warmed, a brilliant shade of red marking her unblemished skin. "I-I know. I think everyone knows that."

Talon leaned over the bar slightly, making a motion to the bartender, who was on the other end, to come over. Cocking his head to look into her glossy iris's, he asked curiously, "So you're a fan I take it?"

She thought about his long list of work, the actor best known for his steamy romance movies was giving her the same passionate stare he gave many of his on-screen partners.

"I might've watched one or two movies of your movies, yes." She hesitated, a breathy laugh of her own filtering through. "I must say though, your role in Clown Puzzle was truly a something else."

At the mention of the short-lived children's show, he sat back and observed her smiley face. "I don't know whether to be embarrassed or impressed that anyone even remembers that crap."

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