Thirty Six

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"Next time I'll make sure to die first so you finally remember to call me back."

Picking up the toy trucks and placing them back into the appropriate cubby hole, she sighed. "Don't be so dramatic, Marco." Folding up the princess blanket next, she balanced her phone between her ear and shoulder. "I told you already, the youngest had to take a trip to the hospital last night so I've been busy looking after her."

"And where is she now?" He asked.

Rika rolled her eyes. "Asleep. She has been told to take a few days off to rest, which is something I would also like to be able to do without you calling me every ten minutes."

"Fine. I will start calling you every five minutes instead, is that what you want?" He pestered on, wanting to see a reaction.

She barely batted an eye, seeing right through him.

"Don't you have a business to run?"

"You mean the crappy motel of mine that's infested in rats and questionable bodily fluids? Those pesky rodents run this place for me."

She tried to mask her amusement but failed in doing so as a giggle escaped. "It's not that bad." She lied, sending him the little bit of encouragement she could give.

"Yeah, right." He mocked, clearing his throat to mimic her shy voice. "It's not that bad but you still left this shithole the first chance you got."

She continued to laugh at his words, unable to hear the loud footsteps enter the playroom.

Turning her head at the last minute to see if there was anything left to clean, she caught his handsome face and paled in comparison. A bouquet of lilies was wrapped up in his large inked hands, it was a rather peculiar sight to see.

Slater didn't bother to move from his position at the entrance of the room, he was dressed in some black slacks and an unbuttoned sheer black shirt.

His chunky rings decorated his finger and a heavy chain laid around his shadowy neck.

"I, uh, I need to go and check up on the girls. I'll call you after dinner."

"Wha— Sato you got to be kidding me!"

She knew Marco would have something smart to say which was why she hung up the phone straight away.

She straightened her posture, moving her free-flowing hair out of her face.

"Everything okay?" She mumbled, her rosy cheeks making an appearance.

Slater roamed his eyes down her attire, she was still in her sleepwear. An emerald green lace camisole and matching shorts. He didn't blame her as it was relatively early in the morning for anyone to be awake and dressed properly, he was envious that he couldn't also be in his sleep garments.

Unfortunately, he had a busy workday ahead of him.

"You've got a delivery." His raspy morning voice had yet to settle.

"What?" She was baffled, clearly in disbelief that anyone could give her a gesture so kind. "Those are for me?"

He shrugged, passing the gift over and taking a step back to peer down at her. He was in no mood for small talk, rather preferring to make their little encounter brief.

But when she read the contents of the card, he became distracted by the way her features melted.

Of course. It was a sweet message from her Brooklyn admirer, Archie, hoping to see her again and wishing her a great week ahead.

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