Forty Two

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He had been dreaming, something he had not done in months. Enjoying the sensation of his body floating through his thoughts and in the powdery white clouds. It felt nice, steady.

But like everything in his life, that wondrous bubble burst before it could even get to the good part.

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a loud thwang followed by a thud landing right in front of his face. The beeping was getting louder.

The blaring alarm clock rung in his ears, loudly and obnoxiously, as a painful reminder, that it was time to open his eyes but he was not finished sleeping.

Slater groaned and rubbed his face in his hands, peeking one eye open. It was too bright, the sun blinding through the closed curtains. His eyes drifted down to find her petite figure snuggled up against him. Having slept on top of the covers the entire night, her bare legs were curled into her chest.

Her long black hair covered her face from his view, he held back his annoyance, bringing his hand up. He pushed her hair away, caressing one of her cold cheeks as he cupped her face.

"Johnson... Alarm clock..." He could barely talk, his throaty morning voice made it impossible for him to get a cohesive sentence out. It was raspy, a deep raspy and calming melody.

The young girl didn't even stir. He held his breath and counted to ten in his head.

If it was not made obvious by now, he was not a morning person. His head was pounding from the aftermath of the drugs and alcohol concoction he had taken the night before.

Perhaps, she was extra tired this morning? Or maybe, she was not a morning person too?

He cleared his throat a few times. Still no movement. He let out a growl of frustration. "Rika, wake up." he repeated. No movement. "Your alarm clock," Slater replied, his intense voice a husky mess.

She murmured sleepily, his deep voice sounding like mush in her ears.

He groaned, shoving his head into her neck. "Turn it off."

It wouldn't stop beeping, almost like it was taunting him.

"Rika, turn it off before I throw it out of the fucking window." He bellowed, his anger flaring in surges.

She sighed, eyes still closed. Rika was slowly waking out of a deep slumber, not knowing what had woken her. Then she heard a ringing and muffling. The alarm clock. Not again. She buried her head into the warmth and hoped the annoying sound would stop.

However, it appeared for her agitated guest, he had already reached his breaking point.

Slater rolled over, grabbed ahold of the alarm clock and tore it out of the wall. He let it slam onto the ground, breaking apart into pieces.

Her eyes shot open, gasping at the sound of destruction. "W-What was that?" Suddenly wide awake, she jutted her body upwards and sat up in the bed.

Oh, now she was awake? His heavy head fell back down onto the plush pillow causing her attention to land on his.

Crimson started tainting her skin, gawking at the sight of him in her bed.

He didn't seem very bothered, closing his eyes as she stared at him. "You need to get a new alarm clock." He said calmly.

Alarm clock?

Huh. She frowned, her eyes met the space where her alarm clock once resided, the realisation quickly seeped in.

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