Twenty Nine

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Everything was identical and precise, it was flawless.

To say he was awestruck would be an understatement, he was struggling to comprehend the events of the evening. He could not find one single fault in her advances, no matter how hard he tried.

"I'm beating you so that means I win!"

Her happy-go-lucky expression sank, blonde locks whipping around her flushed face before she governed an incredible scream.

"No fair, you started before me, that's cheating!" Lilia shrieked, tumbling feet rushing out of the door as the nanny rolled her tired brown eyes. "Daddy, tell her!" The whiny tone of her voice caused the adults in the room to take a look at her.

"Janessa Kamille," The Russian uttered, a paternal edge to his tone. "Play fair."

Shortly after, he heard more clamour, observing the way his fussy daughters began to shove each other.

"It's not my fault she has little legs and can't catch up with me!" He heard a snooty reply. Turning to face the doe-eyed girl situated behind her, Janessa huffed aloud whilst crossing her arms. "You're such a crybaby tattletale!"

Although the insult was hardly anything detrimental, it was enough for the young child to feel insignificant.

"I'm not a crybaby tattletale!" She whimpered softly.

Withering eyes and a quivering bottom lip made contact with his, he felt his emotions sway at the sight almost instantly. She ran around the nanny to reach him, locating him on the couch and concealed her sobbing expression into his legs.

Knowing his youngest daughter would turn on the waterworks soon, he met Janessa with another stern utterance.

"What did I just tell you?" Waning his gaze down on the smart-mouthed child, he emptied his throat in a cough. "We don't call each other names under this roof, and we sure as hell don't shove each other."

Caressing the back of her head lovingly, he lifted her into his powerful arms and bestowed a thoughtful kiss on her forehead.

Bright green eyes stared up at him, he swiped under her eyes before any tears could tumble out.

"If you want to prove your sister wrong, these crocodile tears need to go." He rationalised, a serious expression contoured out onto his face.

Lilia's eyes bounced between both of his, the sniffling coming to a complete end as her brow folded. "They are not crocodile tears." She told him frankly, puckering her lip out further.

He didn't say anything more, dragging his eyes behind her as he sent his eldest daughter a teasing wink.

She started at him blankly, finding his growing amusement rather irritating.

When the corner of his lips quirked upwards in a wry smile, her finger prodded into his broad chest.

"It's not funny!" She cried. "Nessie hurt my feelings and you think it's all a big joke."

He pursed his lips, returning his attention to hers. Poking a finger into her chubby cheeks, he lowered his tone. "Who's special day is it today, varobushek?"

"Mama's." She responded, not needing any time to think about it.

Speaking about her so freely made the nanny's ears perk up, as well as Janessa's, who disregarded her station and stared over at the pair deeply.

"Hm that's right, and what do you think she would say if she knew her favourite girls were fighting on her birthday?" Her shoulders slumped, she let out a sullen sigh.

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