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Honey-flecked eyes glared into her twilight regard, the stare was fixated, deliberate, and causing her palms to gather more moisture. So much freaking moisture, she was sweating from places she didn't even know she could sweat from.

Rika was convinced that she was experiencing the most awkward dinner of her entire life. Well, duh that's what you get for calling his daughter the same nickname his late wife used, she mentally scolded.

She definitely should've checked with Ruth first before giving out any personal or touchy nicknames.

Noisy chatter from the kids was the only thing saving her from melting into her seat. After a couple of minutes, Lilia had gotten over her sob session and taken her seat next to her father.

Did anyone else feel hot? She wondered, checking out the table in one quick sweep.

Nope, no one else seemed to be squirming like she was.

Great, it was just her then.

She was praying that the dinner went by as quickly as it possibly could, so that she could brush the whole situation under the rug, and never think about it again.

Her boss and Lilia were sat on the opposite end of the table, unfortunately for her, said boss was directly in front of her. It was strange to see him at the dinner table, he didn't eat whenever she was in the room. Usually, if the children were having dinner with their father, Rika would dismiss herself for the night.

Looking over at him, she couldn't help but feel absolutely terrified. He was a powerful man, that was something everyone could agree on. He could make or break peoples' lives, that was how much influence the man held in the industry. And rightfully so, he had worked his butt off to be where he was.

Rika couldn't say that wasn't the only reason she was scared of him, she hated to be that person but his tattoos added on to his intimidation. It was silly of her to think like that when she saw how gentle and loving he could be around his daughters on a daily. At the end of the day, it was ink, marking his skin, not something lethal.

And yet, for some bizarre reason, she couldn't tear her eyes away from his tattoos, dragging her eyes down to his neck.

If she could act casual, and pretend like everything was totally normal, then it wouldn't be so bad, right?

Opening her mouth, she emptied her throat by clearing it. "I think I'm gonna call it a night." She let out a fake yawn, figuring he would want to put his children to the bed like he often preferred doing. "See you girls tomorrow," She smiled warmly, reaching over to ruffle Lila's hair, and leaning to the side to pull Janessa into a hug. "Goodnight, sir."

He rose a brow at her actions, lifting his napkin to swipe at his mouth. He didn't return her farewells, instead, he watched her with the same intense stare.

As she collected her plate and cutlery, Rika pushed the chair out, causing a loud scrapping to follow through the silent room and making her cringe inwardly.

She could feel his gaze on her, however, she was pretending to not have noticed it.

"Why the rush, Johnson?" Slater asked, tilting his head to the side. He roamed over the arch of her straight black brows, to her stub lashes, and the fullness of her pink lips which was intensified in pigment.

His eyes dipped from her face to her chest, the silk nightdress she had been wearing clung to her full breasts and showed the tiniest bit of cleavage. Something she was regretting wearing in-front if her boss, she had no idea that he would be joining them for dinner. He didn't make a point to avert his inappropriate regard, sipping on his wine casually. "Sit down, and eat. Unless, of course, you are not enjoying the food I had prepared for us?"

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